Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: getUpdatedSeries is part of the simple search, we already have examples for it on the v1/v2 pages


Query NameReturn ValuesQuery Parameters
Body Part Values and Counts

Modality values and body part count for the modality

API example and return values for getBodyPartValuesAndCounts

  • Collection (O)
  • Modality (O)
Collection Descriptions

The collection's description

API example and return values for getCollectionDescriptions

collectionName (O)

Collection or Series for DOI

The collection and/or series with the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

API example and return values for getCollectionorSeriesforDOI

  • DOI (R)
  • CollectionOrSeries (O) - if left empty, only collection names and third party analysis are returned.  If set to "series" a full list of Series Instance UIDs associated with each collection are also returned.
Collection Values and Counts

The collections and the subject count for the collection

API example and return values for getCollectionValuesandCounts

Create Saved Cart

Creates a saved cart (list)

API example and return values for Create Saved Cart (createSharedList)

  • list - A repeatable parameter for each series you want to have in the saved cart
  • name- Name for the saved cart (note that names of saved carts must be unique)
  • description - Description of the saved cart
  • url - URL of the saved cart
DICOM Metadata by Series UID

Provides the functionality in the portal where the DICOM data is retrieved from a series

API example and return values for getDicomTags

Extended Simple Search with Modality and Body Part Paged

API example and return values for getSimpleSearchWithModalityAndBodyPartPaged

  • CollectionCriteria
  • ImageModalityCriteria
  • AnatomicalSiteCriteria
  • ManufacturerCriteria
  • DateRangeCriteria
  • PatientCriteria
  • MinNumberOfStudiesCriteria
  • SpeciesCriteria
  • PhantomCriteria
  • TimePointCriteria
  • SortField
  • SortDirection
  • Start
  • Size 
Image with MD5 Hash

Zip file with the images and a CSV file containing the MD5 hashes

API example and return values for getImageWithMD5Hash


Manifest for Simple Search

The Manifest Text for Simple Search API allows the creation of a manifest file that can be used to execute the NBIA Data Retriever.

API example and return values for getManifestForSimpleSearch

 The API takes the same arguments as the Simple Search GUI.
Manifest Text

The Manifest Text API allows the creation of a manifest file that can be used to execute the NBIA Data Retriever.

API example and return values for getManifestText

  • list - A repeatable parameter of series UIDs for each series you want to download
  • includeAnnotation - If "true" is used, the annotations are returned.
Manifest for Text Search

Generates a manifest file of series. This is an API version of the text search in the NBIA Radiology Portal GUI. See Performing a Text Search for more information.

API example and return values for getManifestforTextSearch


Manifest from Patient Study Series

A manifest file of patient IDs that match the input parameters

API example and return values for getManifestfromPatientStudySeries

  • patientIDs (O)
  • studyUIDs (O)
  • seriesUIDs (O)
  • anyOrAll (O)
  • includeAnnotation (O)
MD5 HierarchyAPI example and return values for getMD5Hierarchy
  • SeriesInstanceUID (O)
  • StudyInstanceUID (O)
  • PatientID (O)
  • Collection (O)
Manufacturer Values and Counts

The manufacturer and their counts

API example and return values for getManufacturerValuesandCounts

Collection (R)

MD5 Hash for Image

The API returns a zip file containing the DICOM images and a CSV file with the MD5 hash code for each image file.

API example and return values for getMD5HashforImage


Modality Values and Counts

The modality values plus the manufacturer count for the modality

API example and return values for getModalityValuesandCounts

  • Collection (O)
  • Modality (O)
  • Body Part Examined (O)
Restrictions for Simple SearchAPI example and return values for getRestrictionsforSimpleSearch

Series Metadata 2

The Series Metadata API allows returns the metadata needed by the client for a set of series as CSV.

API example and return values for getSeriesMetadata2

list- Comma-separated list of series to return (R)

Species TaxAPI example and return values for getSpeciesTax


Species Values And CountsAPI example and return values for getSpeciesValuesAndCounts

Study Drill Down With Series IDsAPI example and return values for getStudyDrillDownWithSeriesIDs


ThumbnailAPI example and return values for getThumbnail



Text SearchAPI example and return values for getTextSearch


Updated SeriesAPI example and return values for getUpdatedSeries

fromDate (R)

Return Values

If the value for an attribute is null in the specified collection, it will not appear in the returned values.
