Versions Compared


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  • You access a resource by sending an HTTP request to the TCIA API server. The server replies with a response that either contains the data you requested, or a status indicator.
  • You can access the metadata of an API by appending /metadata to the end of the query. See examples. The metadata is in JSON format and conforms to this schema
  • Most APIs can return results as CSV/JSON/XML/HTML. You can specify the return format by including the query parameter format
  • Every request must contain an API-KEY. The key can be included in the url by adding an extra query parameter api_key or it can be included in the HTTP headers.
    You can obtain one API-KEY and use that for your application; you do not need a separate API-KEY for each user of your software..  To obtain an API-Key please send a request to  or contact TCIA's help desk by phone at: +1 314-747-4254.
  • An API request takes the following structure:
    For example, the API shown below is a request to get all studies in the TCGA-GBM collection for patient GBM-0123 as CSV
    This can be broken down as follows: 


API Reference

The full API consists of a base URL followed by the api and the query parameters in that order. 


Query Parameters

All query parameters are
optional unless stated otherwise




 /query/getCollectionValuesNoneCSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of all collection names
 /query/getModalityValuesCollection / BodyPartExaminedCSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of all modality values (CT, MR, ...) filtered by query keys
 /query/getBodyPartValuesCollection / ModalityCSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of all body part names filtered by query keys
 /query/getManufacturerValuesCollection / Modality /
CSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of all manufacturer names filtered by query keys
 /query/getPatientCollectionCSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of patient objects filtered by query keys
 /query/getPatientStudyCollection / PatientID /
CSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of patient/study objects filtered by query keys
 /query/getSeriesCollection / StudyInstanceUID /
PatientID / SeriesInstanceUID 
CSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of series objects filtered by query keys
 /query/getSeriesSizeSeriesInstanceUID (R)CSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of total byte size and object count filtered by query key
 /query/getImageSeriesInstanceUID (R)ZIPSet of images in a zip file
 /query/ContentsByNamename (R)JSONGiven the name of a shared list return its contents.

API Metadata

The API now supports the ability to programmatically access the metadata about your API. This information is provided as a JSON document and includes:

Name of API
Free text description
List of Query Parameters
Supported Return Types
A description of the returned attributes: Name, DICOM Tag and Description

The returned metadata conforms to the following JSON schema

Let us say we wanted metadata for the getPatientStudy query from our earlier example. The query would look as follows: 

Or in other words, the query would have the following structure:

(Warning) Don’t forget to include the api-key in either HTTP headers or the URL of the API.

Return Values

Click here to see more details on the return values.
