Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The following characteristics apply to all TCIA APIs:

Version 3

  • Two new APIs have been added (/getSingleImage, /getSOPInstanceUIDs)
  • Three new APIs have been added (/NewPatientsInCollection, /NewStudiesInPatientsCollection, /PatientsByModality
  • The getSeries API has been modified to include new query parameters
  • Bug Fixes

Version 2 (Documentation for Version 2. can be found here)



Query Parameters

All query parameters are
optional unless stated otherwise




 /query/getCollectionValuesNoneCSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of all collection names
 /query/getModalityValuesCollection / BodyPartExaminedCSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of all modality values (CT, MR, ...) filtered by query keys
 /query/getBodyPartValuesCollection / ModalityCSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of all body part names filtered by query keys
 /query/getManufacturerValuesCollection / Modality /
CSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of all manufacturer names filtered by query keys
 /query/getPatientCollectionCSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of patient objects filtered by query keys
 /query/PatientsByModalityCollection (R)
Modality (R

Returns a list of PatientIDs, given a specific Collection Name and Modality

 /query/getPatientStudyCollection / PatientID /
CSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of patient/study objects filtered by query keys

Collection / StudyInstanceUID /
PatientID / SeriesInstanceUID /
Modality / BodyPartExamined /
ManufacturerModelName /

CSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of series objects filtered by query keys
 /query/getSeriesSizeSeriesInstanceUID (R)CSV/HTML/XML/JSONSet of total byte size and object count filtered by query key
 /query/getImageSeriesInstanceUID (R)ZIPSet of images in a zip file

Date (R)
Collection (R


Returns a set of Patients that have been added to a specified collection since a specified date.
Date is specified as (YYYY-MM-DD)
Use the getCollectionValues to get the list of available collections 

 /query/NewStudiesInPatientCollectionDate (R)
Collection (R)

Returns a set of Studies that have been added to a specified collection, and optionally to a patient since a specified date

Date is specified as (YYYY-MM-DD)
Use the getCollectionValues to get the list of available collections 
 /query/getSOPInstanceUIDsSeriesInstanceUID (R)CSV/HTML/XML/JSON

Return a list of SOPInstanceUID for a given series using the SeriesInstanceUID

 /query/getSingleImageSeriesInstanceUID (R)
SOPInstanceUID (R)
Raw DICOM ObjectReturns a SINGLE DICOM Object that is identified by its SeriesInstanceUID and SOPInstanceUID
 /query/ContentsByNamename (R)JSONGiven the name of a shared list return its contents.
