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  • TCIA Analysis Results
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To enhance the value of TCIA collections for future research we encourage the research community to publish analysis datasets to augment our primary datasetsexisting TCIA image collections. Potential data types of interest include analysis results such as tumor radiologist or pathologist annotations, image classifications, segmentations, radiomics features,  derivedor derived/reprocessed images, and radiologist assessments.

If your analysis results include voxel-based segmentations, parametric maps (e.g., maps of DCE or DWI MRI model parameter fits), or measurements derived from the segmented regions (e.g., radiomics features), you may consider using the dcmqi library (github link) to convert your dataset into standard DICOM representation.

 Submitting a request to publish analysis results

In order to publish analysis results you must first identify the subset of TCIA


images that you analyzed.

 This is

  For radiology images this can be done by

creating a shared list using TCIA’s Data Portal (see Creating a Shared List).  Once a shared list is created you

compiling a list of Series Instance UIDs or by using the Share My Cart feature in the Data Portal.  For pathology images this step may require some discussion with our helpdesk.  You can send a request to publish your dataset to TCIA’s help desk providing the following information:

  • Shared
List Name – The name of the TCIA shared list that
  • Cart URL or Series Instance UID List – For radiology images, provide the "Share your cart" URL that identifies the data you have analyzed or a text file which contains your Series Instance UIDs.
(required – See Creating a Shared List for assistance)
  • For pathology images provide a brief explanation of which collection(s) and slides you used.
  • Title –
Title –
  • The title of your dataset.
Authors –
  • Authors – The names of the authors who helped generate the dataset in the order you would like them to appear in the citation.
Abstract –
  • Abstract – A brief abstract of the data.  It should include how you selected the image data, how any analyses were generated/collected, and what the potential value of this data is for other TCIA users.
  • Special
Instructions –
  • Instructions – Any guidance about the timing of when we publish the DOI (e.g. it should not be listed until a related manuscript is published) or other questions/concerns.
Once we process your request your dataset

Your data will be published

in our Analysis Results directory and will be assigned a unique/persistent

with a digital object identifier (DOI)

.  This DOI can be used to cite your dataset and also provides a web link to easily direct people to your data

which can be cited in publications which use your data. To help other users find your dataset on TCIA entries will be added on the Collection pages of any TCIA dataset your analyses utilized and also to our Analysis Results directory page.

Analysis Results Directory

A listing of published analysis results data sets based upon TCIA-hosted data (sorted from newest to oldest):

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