Summary of UCSF curated datasets for the ACRIN 6657 Trial

Data Access

Imaging Data

This is a limited access data set. To request access, please contact Once access is granted you can view and download these images on The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) by logging in and selecting the I-SPY1 collection. This data set will be made publicly available on or before February 1, 2017.

Collection Statistics

(updated 11/21/2014)



Number of Patients


Number of Studies


Number of Series


Number of Images


Images Size (GB) 

If you are unsure how to download this Collection please view our quick guide on Searching by Collection or refer to our The Cancer Imaging Archive User's Guide for more detailed instructions on using the site.

Shared Lists

Level 0: All I-SPY 1 Dataset

847 MR on-study studies (222 subjects) in UCSF image database.
One patient in the image data collection (I-SPY ID 1079 ) does not appear in the Feb. 2, 2011 I-SPY FINAL LOCKED clinical data set. So no clinical data is available.

Level 1: LD Dataset

Studies with MRI measured longest diameter
839 MR studies have LD reported in the I-SPY 1 clinical database
834 MR studies (219 subjects) in UCSF image database with LD

5 studies that have LD measurement are missing from the UCSF and ACRIN TRIAD image data collections:




1071, T0
1138, T0

1101, T2
1040, T3

1187, T3

Level 2a: Good SER Volume Dataset – updated 9/3/14

708 MR studies (208 subjects) in UCSF image database

7 studies in Level 2a that do NOT have LD measures:




ID 1059, T3
ID 1079 * , T1
ID 1104, T3

ID 1192, T1
ID 1212, T3

ID 1215, T0
ID 1238, T1

  • Patient 1079 does not appear in the Feb. 2, 2011 I-SPY FINAL LOCKED clinical data set. So no clinical data is available.




Level 2b: SER Volume Dataset submitted to ACRIN in 2008

707 MR studies (207 subjects) in UCSF image database
Differences between Levels 2a and 2b:

15 exams accepted for SER analysis since 2008 (in Level 2a but not in 2b)




ID 1005, T2
ID 1043, T1
ID 1046, T3
ID 1057, T2
ID 1074, T2
ID 1084, T0

ID 1110, T3
ID 1139, T3
ID 1159, T3
ID 1176, T1
ID 1201, T1

ID 1203, T3
ID 1206, T3
ID 1225, T2
ID 1219, T2
ID 1228, T3

14 exams rejected since 2008 (in Level 2b but not in 2a)




ID 1035, T3
ID 1045, T0
ID 1047, T0
ID 1053, T1
ID 1053, T3

ID 1055, T0
ID 1086, T0
ID 1091, T0
ID 1095, T1
ID 1173, T2

ID 1206, T0
ID 1206, T1
+2 exams for ineligible patient, ACRIN ID 128 (no I-SPY ID)