
NCI recently announced new resources focused on the Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) ( It is aimed at addressing NCI’s vision of integrating proteomic research with genomics to result in a more unified understanding of tumor biology. As the CPTAC analyzable prospective tissue resources begin to ramp up, a few legacy TCGA genetic-focused cases --  CPTAC analyzed -- have diagnostic images accessible on The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA). 

The NCI Cancer Imaging Program is offering those few specific cases, access-linked here-in, as an opportunity for researchers to explore and comprehend what such combined research resources might offer. They consist of 28 ovarian (TCGA-OV) and 14 breast (TCGA-BRCA) cases. Those imaging cases are easily downloadable as individual groups from TCIA by entering separate queries of “shared lists” entitled: CPTAC Breast Analyzed (7 breast cases), and CPTAC OV Analyzed (12 ovarian cases). Those image cases can be down-loaded by entering the afore-mentioned “shared lists” on  Their match-able CPTAC proteomic analysis data is down-loadable from:  The case specific clinical data matching each of those TCIA stored image cases are attached here as XLS sheets.


CPTAC and TCGA Collections Publication Guidelines

TCIA publication guidelines, derived from the policy outlined by TCGA, must be followed in addition to the TCGA Data Portal publication policy:

There are no limitations on publications containing analyses using TCGA-linked imaging data sets, if the data set meets one of the following three freedom-to-publish criteria:

  1. A marker paper has been published on that tumor type; or
  2. It has been 12 months since the authors’ DICOM data for 100 cases of a given tumor type have been published on TCIA; or
  3. The author receives specific approval from the TCGA ISS groups representing any relevant tumor types.

The specific status of each tumor data set is available on the Data Usage Policies and Restrictions page. Do not hesitate to contact with any questions.


Data Downloads

CPTAC Breast Analyzed Shared List

CPTAC OV Analyzed Shared List




An early CPTAC publication which reports on a more comprehensive collection of cases from those TCGA tumor data collections (BRCA and OV) can be found at: “Comprehensive quantitative analysis of ovarian and breast cancer tumor peptidomes”. Xu Z, et al., J Proteome Res. 2015 Jan 2;14(1):422-33. doi: 10.1021/pr500840w.