
This data collection consists of images acquired in preparation for NRG-1308, a phase 3 randomized trial to compare overall survival after photon versus proton chemoradiation therapy for inoperable stage II-IIIB NSLC. The images include IMRT photon and proton scans. A detailed summary of the full trial from which these patients were included can be found at

For questions and information regarding this dataset, please contact Ying Xiao,


Data Access

This is a limited access data set. To request access, please contact Once access is granted, you can view and download these images on The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) by logging in and selecting the QIN GBM DCE-MRI collection.

Data TypeDownload all or Query/Filter
Images (DICOM, 1.7GB) 

Click the Versions tab for more info about data releases.

Detailed Description

Collection Statistics




Number of Patients


Number of Studies


Number of Series


Number of Images


Image Size (GB)1.7

Citations & Data Usage Policy 

 This collection is freely available to browse, download, and use for commercial, scientific and educational purposes as outlined in the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.  See TCIA's Data Usage Policies and Restrictions for additional details. Questions may be directed to

Please be sure to include the following citations in your work if you use this data set:

The Cancer Imaging Archive Team. Data From NRG-1308. (DOI coming soon)

Clark K, Vendt B, Smith K, Freymann J, Kirby J, Koppel P, Moore S, Phillips S, Maffitt D, Pringle M, Tarbox L, Prior F. The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA): Maintaining and Operating a Public Information Repository, Journal of Digital Imaging, Volume 26, Number 6, December, 2013, pp 1045-1057. (paper)

Other Publications Using This Data

TCIA maintains a list of publications which leverage our data. At this time we are not aware of any publications based on this data. If you have a publication you'd like to add please contact the TCIA Helpdesk.


Version 1 (Current): Updated 2015/09/14

Data TypeDownload all or Query/Filter
Images (DICOM, 1.7GB)