
This collection of prostate Magnetic Resonance Images (MRIs) was obtained with an endorectal and phased array surface coil at 3T (Philips Achieva). Each patient had biopsy confirmation of cancer and underwent a robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy. A mold was generated from each MRI, and the prostatectomy specimen was first placed in the mold, then cut in the same plane as the MRI. The data was generated at the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA between 2008-2010. For scientific inquiries relating to this data set, please contact Drs. Peter L. Choyke ( or Baris Turkbey at (



Data Access

This is a limited access data set. To request access, please contact Once access is granted, you can view and download these images on The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) by logging in and selecting the Prostate-MRI collection.

Data TypeDownload all or Query/Filter
Images (DICOM, 3.2GB) 
Pathology ImagesWhole Slide Pathology Images in jpeg format are also available for each subject with access request and approval

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Detailed Description

Collection Statistics



MR (with some PET/CT)

Number of Patients


Number of Studies


Number of Series


Number of Images


Image Size (GB)3.2

Citations & Data Usage Policy 

This is a limited access data set. Upon receiving access you may only use it for the purposes outlined in your request to the data provider. You are not allowed to redistribute the data or use it for other purposes. See TCIA's Data Usage Policies and Restrictions for additional details. Questions may be directed to

Please be sure to include the following citations in your work if you use this data set:

Smith K, Clark K, Bennett W, Nolan T, Kirby J, Wolfsberger M, Moulton J, Vendt B, Freymann J. Data From PROSTATE-MRI.

Clark K, Vendt B, Smith K, Freymann J, Kirby J, Koppel P, Moore S, Phillips S, Maffitt D, Pringle M, Tarbox L, Prior F. The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA): Maintaining and Operating a Public Information Repository, Journal of Digital Imaging, Volume 26, Number 6, December, 2013, pp 1045-1057. (paper)

Other Publications Using This Data

TCIA maintains a list of publications which leverage our data. At this time we are not aware of any publications based on this data. If you have a publication you'd like to add please contact the TCIA Helpdesk.

Version 1 (Current): Updated 2011/06/30

Data TypeDownload all or Query/Filter
Images (DICOM, 3.2GB)