Digitized TCGA pathology images can be found in the Genomic Data Commons — GDC Legacy Archive. GDC is the official source of TCGA genomic, clinical and molecular data.

If you have downloaded radiology data of some TCGA subjects and want to access the pathology images, you'll need to follow the following steps

  1. Collect the Patient ID (e.g. TCGA-A6-2672) and download the radiology data from TCIA
  2. Go to the GDC Legacy Archive
  3. Confirm that you see something similar to the following screen:
    Program Name IS TCGA AND Data Type IS Tissue slide image
  4. Enter PatientID's into the Case Id field (left side of the screen)
  5. As you enter the patient IDs' you will see a list of filenames (see screenshot below)
  6. Click on the filename will result in the image being added to the list of files that you can download.

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