
h3. {anchor:_Toc289773140}{anchor:_Toc293556962}Executive Summary

This guide provides an overview of The Cancer Imaging Archive hosted by Washington University in St. Louis. It explains how to use the National Biomedical Imaging Archive (NBIA) software which powers TCIA to search for and download images. The source of most of the instructions in this guide is the November 16, 2010 _NBIA_ _5.0_ _User's_ _Guide_ produced by the National Cancer Institute, Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology.

The intended audience for this guide is anyone in the cancer research and medical community, industry, and academia that wishes to utilize The Cancer Imaging Archive to obtain DICOM and related meta data for use in their research.

The guide discusses the following topics:
{color:#212187}{_}Chapter{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}1{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Getting{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Started{_}{color} provides an introduction to The Cancer Imaging Archive and describes how to access it.
{color:#212187}{_}Chapter{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Searching{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}for{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Images{_}{color} describes how to search the archive to find the data you're interested in.
{color:#212187}{_}Chapter{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}3{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Viewing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Results{_}{color} describes how to review results from The Cancer Imaging Archive database searches

Questions about the use of this guide should be sent to The Cancer Imaging Archive User Support Center at [help@cancerimagingarchive.net|mailto:help@cancerimagingarchive.net]


h3. {color:#365f91}{*}Table of Contents{*}{color}

[Executive Summary |#_Toc293556962]
[Chapter 1 -- Getting Started |#_Toc293556963]
[*1.1* *{_}Introduction to The Cancer Imaging Archive{_}*|#_Toc293556964]
[1.2 _Registering_ _a_ _New_ _User_|#_Toc293556965]
[1.3 _Logging_ _into The Cancer Imaging Archive_|#_Toc293556966]
[1.4 _Using_ _The Cancer Imaging Archive Home_ _Page_|#_Toc293556967]
[1.5 _Application_ _Support_|#_Toc293556968]
[1.6 _Using The Cancer Imaging Archive Online_ _Help_|#_Toc293556969]
[Chapter 2 -- SEARCHING FOR IMAGES |#_Toc293556970]
[2.1 _Performing_ _Searches_|#_Toc293556971]
[2.2 _Performing_ _a_ _Simple_ _Search_|#_Toc293556972]
[2.3 _Performing_ _an_ _Advanced_ _Search_|#_Toc293556973]
[2.4 _Performing_ _a_ _Dynamic_ _Search_|#_Toc293556974]
[2.5 _Specifying_ _Remote_ _Search_ _Sites_|#_Toc293556975] (disabled on TCIA - will restore this section if TCIA decides to support this feature in the future)
[2.6 _Working_ _with_ _Saved_ _Search_ _Queries_|#_Toc293556976]
[2.6.1 Saving a Search Query. |#_Toc293556977]
[2.6.2 Managing Saved Queries. |#_Toc293556978]
[2.6.3 Editing Saved Queries |#_Toc293556979]
[2.6.4 Viewing a Query History |#_Toc293556980]
[Chapter 3 \--VIEWING SEARCH RESULTS |#_Toc293556981]
[3.1 _Search_ _Results_ _Overview_|#_Toc293556982]
[3.2 _Search_ _Results_ _(by_ _Subject)_|#_Toc293556983]
[3.3 _Search_ _Results_ _(Studies_ _for_ _Subject)_|#_Toc293556984]
[3.4 _Search_ _Results_ _(Images_ _for_ _Series)_|#_Toc293556985]
[3.5 _Viewing_ _Image_ _Animation_|#_Toc293556986]
[3.6 _Working_ _with_ _the_ _Data_ _Basket_|#_Toc293556987]
[3.6.1 Adding Items to Your Basket |#_Toc293556988]
[3.6.2 Managing the Data Basket |#_Toc293556989]
[3.7 _Working_ _With_ _Shared Lists_|#_Toc293556990]
[3.7.1 Creating a Shared List |#_Toc293556991]
[3.7.2 Editing a Shared List |#_Toc293556992]
[3.7.3 Searching a Shared List |#_Toc293556993]
[3.7.4 Exporting a Shared List |#_Toc293556994]
[3.8 _Downloading_ _the_ _Data_ _Basket_|#_Toc293556995]
[3.8.1 Download Errors |#_Toc381]\\

h2. {anchor:_Toc289773141}{anchor:_Toc293556963}{+}Chapter 1 -- Getting Started+

h3. {anchor:_Toc289773142}{anchor:_Toc293556964}{*}1.1* *{_}Introduction to The Cancer Imaging Archive{_}*

The Cancer Imaging Archive provides the cancer research and medical community, industry, and academia access to imaging archives that can be used for many purposes, including the potential to assist in the development and validation of analytical software tools supporting these functions:
* Lesion detection and classification software
* Accelerated diagnostic imaging decision
* Quantitative imaging assessment of drug response

The archive provides access to imaging resources that improve the use of imaging in today's cancer research and practice by increasing the efficiency and reproducibility of imaging cancer detection and diagnosis, leveraging imaging to provide an objective assessment of therapeutic response, and ultimately enabling the development of imaging resources that will lead to improved clinical decision support.

Clinical trials, physicians and other researchers submit images to The Cancer Imaging Archive using the CTP (Clinical Trial Processing) software. Any potential user may then access The Cancer Imaging Archive to search for and download images and associated annotation files. Images are stored in the medical image standard, Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM). A DICOM file stores the digital image along with a series of tags that contain metadata about the image such as patient ID, study ID, patient weight, anatomic site, and so forth. For more information about DICOM, see [http://medical.nema.org|http://medical.nema.org].
The Cancer Imaging Archive is accessible at [http://cancerimagingarchive.net|http://cancerimagingarchive.net]. In the welcome page that opens, you can perform the following tasks:
* Learn the basics about The Cancer Imaging Archive by accessing the information links on the welcome page.
* Open Quick Links to web sites relevant to the goals and tasks of The Cancer Imaging Archive.
* Log into The Cancer Imaging Archive.
\\  !worddav924d64e35f584bb5fd0cba277559b0f9.png|height=411,width=478!
_                            Figure 1.1 Welcome Page_

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556965}1.2 _Registering_ _a_ _New_ _User_

To register a new user in The Cancer Imaging Archive, from [http://cancerimagingarchive.net] click {color:#c00000}{*}LOG ON{*}{color} *TO THE CANCER IMAGING ARCHIVE* and follow these steps:
1. Click the *Register* *Now* hypertext link under *User* *Login*.

_                                         Figure 1.2 Login Page_
2. Review the Legal Rules of the Road page and indicate your agreement, then click the blue *Clicking* *Here* link to continue.

3. Enter the "Captcha" code on the verification screen to begin the account creation process.

4. Enter the required information on the New User Registration screen.

5. Enter a password and answer at least 4 security questions.

6. Click *Register* to execute the submission of the user information. Click *Cancel* to return to the login screen.

Once you have submitted your entry form, a message will be conveyed to The Cancer Imaging Archive User Support Center who will finish setting up your account and add permissions to access the archive.

When your account is ready, you will receive an e-mail from the User Support Center. Until you receive that e-mail, you may not be able to log into the archive.

If you have any questions in the mean time feel free to contact the User Support Center via e-mail at [help@cancerimagingarchive.net|mailto:help@cancerimagingarchive.net] or by calling \+1.314.747-4254 during business hours.

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556966}1.3 _Logging_ _into_ _The Cancer Imaging Archive_

When you enter [http://cancerimagingarchive.net] to access The Cancer Imaging Archive, the welcome page displays. Click {color:#c00000}{*}LOG ON{*}{color} *TO THE CANCER IMAGING ARCHIVE* to bring up the login page.
\\  !worddav449e158eb7c7008e4e3370b96bafc2b6.png|height=316,width=537!
_                                                  Figure 1.3 Login Page_

If you have already registered with The Cancer Imaging Archive, perform the following steps to login:

1. Enter the login information, your *USER* *ID* and *PASSWORD*.

2. Click *Login*.

If your login is successful, The Cancer Imaging Archive opens to the home page.

*In* *Case* *of* *Login* *Failure:* 
*Tip:* If your USER ID or PASSWORD is not correct, "Invalid Username/password. Please try again." displays in red text on the login page. Additionally, a popup window opens, informing you of a failure to login and its possible reasons. _In_ _your_ _browser,_ _you_ _should enable_ _a_ _popup_ _blocker_ _exception_ _for_ _The_ _Cancer Imaging Archive site_ _URL._ _If you_ _fail_ _to_ _do_ _that,_ _the_ _login_ _failure message_ _may_ _not_ _appear._

1. If you do not have a USER ID or password, on the login page, click *Register Now* to apply for a user account. For more information, see {color:#212187}{_}Registering{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}a New User._{color}

2. If you have persistent difficulty logging in, click *I* *cannot* *access* *my* *account* on The Cancer Imaging Archive login page. A Cancer Imaging Archive Account Help topic opens, describing help options for resolving your login problem.

3. Follow the directions on the Login Failed pop-up message and/or on The Cancer Imaging Archive Help Account page. Note that you can contact User Support using the contact information on that page.

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556967}1.4 _Using_ _The_ _Cancer Imaging Archive Home_ _Page_

The Cancer Imaging Archive home page that opens after login displays several panels and menu bars.

_                                            Figure 1.4 Home Page_
*{+}Home Page Menu Bar{+}*
The top menu bar on the home page consists of the following options.
| *{_}Option{_}* | *{_}Description{_}* | *{_}See{_}* *{_}for{_}* *{_}More{_}* *{_}Information{_}* |
| *Home* | Returns you to The Cancer Imaging Archive Home page | N/A |
| *Search* *Images* | Displays the Simple Search page | {color:#212187}{_}Performing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}a Simple{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} \\ |
| *Manage* *Data* *Basket* | Displays the My Data Basket page; This is the same option as choosing *My* *Data* *Basket* *>* *View Contents* from the side menu bar. | {color:#212187}{_}Managing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}the{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Data{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Basket{_}{color} |
| *Help* | Displays a separate online Help window | {color:#212187}{_}Using Cancer Imaging Archive{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Online{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Help{_}{color} |
| *Logout* | Logs you out of The Cancer Imaging Archive and returns you to the login page | N/A |
*{+}Home Page Left Sidebar{+}*
The left sidebar of the home page consists of the following options.
| *{_}Option{_}* | *{_}Description{_}* | *{_}See{_}* *{_}for{_}* *{_}More{_}* *{_}Information{_}* |
| *My* *Data* *Basket* *> View* *Contents* | Displays the My Data Basket page | {color:#212187}{_}Managing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}the{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Data{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Basket{_}{color} |
| *My* *Queries* *>View* \\
*Saved* *Queries* | Displays the Saved Queries page | {color:#212187}{_}Managing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Saved{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Queries{_}{color} |
| *My* *Queries* *>View* \\
*Query* *History* | Displays the Query History page | {color:#212187}{_}Viewing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}a{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Query{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}History{_}{color} |
| *User's Guide* | User's guide for searching collections. Can be downloaded and printed. | |
| *Collections* | Description of collections available on The Cancer Imaging Archive. | |
*{+}Home Page Bottom Menu Bar{+}*
The bottom menu bar consists of the following options.
| *{_}Option{_}* | *{_}Description{_}* | *{_}See{_}* *{_}for{_}* *{_}More{_}* *{_}Information{_}* |
| *Feedback* | Displays an email addressed to [feedback@cancerimagingarchive.net|mailto:feedback@cancerimagingarchive.net] so you can email comments or suggestions about The Cancer Imaging Archive. | N/A |
| *Privacy* *Notice* | Displays the Health and Human Services (HHS) Privacy Policy Notice. | N/A |
| *Disclaimer* | Displays The Cancer Imaging Archive Legal Rules of the Road disclaimer. | N/A |
| *Accessibility* | Displays the NCI Web Accessibility Feedback Form to be used by users with disabilities who have comments about the accessibility of NCI's web pages. | N/A |
| *Support* | Displays information on contacting the User Support center. | N/A |

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556968}1.5 _Application_ _Support_

For any general information about TCIA, support questions, or to report a bug, contact The Cancer Imaging Archive User Support.
| Email: help@cancerimagingarchive.net | When submitting support requests via email, please include: \\
* Your contact information, including your telephone number. \\
* The name of the application/tool you are using \\
* The URL if it is a Web-based application \\
* A description of the problem and steps to recreate it. \\
* The text of any error messages you have received |
| Application Support URL | [http://www.cancerimagingarchive.net/support.html] |
| *Telephone:* \+1-314-747-4254 | Telephone support is available Monday to Friday, 8 am -- 5 pm Central Time, excluding holidays. |

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556969}1.6 _Using_ _The Cancer Imaging Archive Online_ _Help_

The online help has been written to help you master the NBIA software. To access online help in The Cancer Imaging Archive, use any of the following methods:
* Click the *Help* menu option on the top menu bar to open the complete online help.

*Note:* You can access online help without being logged into The Cancer Imaging Archive.
* Click the *Help* icon or button at the top of each page to open a context sensitive topic.

Once you are in online help, an array of options helps you locate topics of interest.
* Context-sensitive help displays online help topics that correspond to the "form" or the page from which help was opened. Click the TOC button ( !worddav1e2318f660c02a9e77a3a51a57b92c15.png|height=20,width=21! ) at the top left of the title bar to open the full online help directory.
* Follow hypertext links or the *Related* *Topics* buttons in the help topics to open other closely related topics.
* Locate topics using the table of contents that displays in the left panel of the online help or the Index tab that displays at the top of the Table of Contents panel. Perform word searches of Help by entering query text in the search text box.

h2. {anchor:_Toc293556970}{+}Chapter 2 -- SEARCHING FOR IMAGES+

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556971}2.1 _Performing_ _Searches_

The NBIA software enables you to search for images in The Cancer Imaging Archive's local _in_ _vivo_ image repository.  NBIA also supports a Remote Search function to search in other NBIA servers connected to caGrid, however this functionality is not enabled within the TCIA deployment at this time.  The NBIA software is designed to perform the following tasks: 
* Search for images in simple or advanced search mode
* Combine search criteria defined in those searches with keyword searches of curated annotation data
* Save the search queries to be used repeatedly
* Review query histories
* As subjects, studies, series or images are located, save them to your data basket for download

Note: When you download a series that have annotation files (indicated by *Yes* in the *Contains* *Annotations* column), they are automatically downloaded as well. 

The Cancer Imaging Archive submissions are organized in the following hierarchy, which is important to remember in creating your search query and reviewing search results:

*                           Collection* *>* *Patient* *(Subject)* *>* *Study* *>* *Series* *>* *Images*

The NBIA software provides three search modes:
* Simple Search
* Advanced Search
* Annotation Keyword Search

Some search pages contain toggle buttons to allow you to switch back and forth between the Simple Search and Advanced Search pages.
Each search page contains selection boxes, drop-down lists and text fields. Selected objects are used as search criteria.

1. *Selection* *Boxes.*
- To move an item from the *Available* box to the Selected panel, highlight it in the Available box and click *Select*.
- Click *Select* *All* to select all available items and move them to the Selected panel in one keystroke.
- To remove an item from the Selected panel, highlight the item(s) and click *Remove* or click *Remove* *All* to remove all items.

2. *Drop-down* *Lists.* Click on a drop-down list arrow and select the appropriate choice.

3. *Text* *fields.* Enter the information requested.

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556972}2.2 _Performing_ _a_ _Simple_ _Search_

A simple search consists of basic criteria; they can be expanded for an advanced search. Criteria that you select helps narrow the data search.

Note: The data shown in the search results come from the supplied source, not from what the NBIA software derives unless explicitly stated.

Perform the following steps to complete a Simple Search.

1. Initiate the search by following one of these options:
* Click *Search* *Images* from the top menu bar.
* Click the *Search* *Images* link in the Welcome panel or on the menu bar
* Click the *Simple* *Search* link in the Welcome panel.
* From the Advanced Search page, click the *Simple* *Search* button in the upper right hand corner. The Simple Search page displays with the basic criteria that may have already been selected.

Any of these options open the Simple Search page.

The Nodes to Search section at the top of the page lists the remote databases you can identify to be searched outside the local (Cancer Imaging Archive) imaging archive ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.1{_}{color}). (See {color:#212187}{_}Specifying Remote{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Sites{_}{color})

_                                          Figure_ _2.1_ _Simple_ _Search_ _page_ _(top)_

The remainder of the Simple Search page displays the search criteria ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.2{_}{color}).

_                            Figure_ _2.2_ _Simple_ _Search_ _criteria_
2. Choose the search criteria described in {color:#212187}{_}Table{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.1{_}{color}.

| *{_}Simple{_}* *{_}Search{_}* \\
*{_}Criteria{_}* | \\
*{_}Description{_}* |
| *Image* *Modality(ies)* | Select from the available image classifications and move them to the *Selected* panel. If none are selected, then the search returns data for all modalities. \\
Regarding the text options: \\
* Select *ALL* to return only cases where all selections apply. \\
* Select *ANY* to return cases to which one or more of the selections apply. |
| *Contrast* | Select either option:
* *Enhanced* \\
* *Un-enhanced* \\
If you leave both options unselected, or if you select both options, the results will be the same as though you had selected both options. |
| *Anatomical* *Site* | Select from the available anatomical sites. If none are selected, then the search returns data for all anatomical sites. \\
*Note:* The value *NOT* *SPECIFIED* means that the field has no value, is empty or is not given a value as supplied by the source. If you select *NOT* *SPECIFIED*, then all images are found where anatomical sites are not specified. |
| *Image* *Slice* \\
*Thickness* | Select *Image* *Slice* *Thickness* to allow you to select a thickness range or number. Use the first set of drop-down boxes only to select one thickness by using (=), greater than (>) or greater than or equal to (>=) to a selected thickness. For example, for a thickness greater than 5mm, select the > symbol followed by 5 mm. Leave the text box after "and" blank: \\
\\  !worddav2822be3755b04bc115c8a48b57bd12a0.png|height=50,width=251! \\
Use both sets of drop-down boxes to select a range of numbers. For example, for a range between 3mm and 7 mm, select > symbol then enter 5 mm. After "and" select the < symbol, then enter 7mm. \\
\\  !worddava0d7f80d6e3277e1fe34594f9c7d184a.png|height=53,width=258! \\
If you do not select this, then the search returns data for all image slice thicknesses. |

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Table_ _2.1_ _Simple_ _Search_ _criteria_

| *{_}Simple{_}* *{_}Search{_}* \\
*{_}Criteria{_}* | \\
*{_}Description{_}* |
| *Collection(s)* | Collections are NCI-defined groupings of image data sets. Select from the collections to which you have been assigned accessibility. If none are selected, then the search returns data for all collections. \\
&nbsp; \\
Click the (*?*) icon next to the collection name to display a popup with the collection description if it exists. \\
Click *Collection* *Descriptions* for more information about the collections. |
| *Available* *on* *NBIA* *(mm/dd/yyyy)* | Using the date convention, enter a date range for images to be searched. All images submitted within that range and for which you have viewer privileges will be listed as part of the search results. |
| *Series* *Includes* \\
*Annotations* | Select either option: \\
* *Annotated* \\
* *Non-Annotated* \\
If you leave both options unselected, or if you select both options, then the search returns both series that have annotations and do not have annotations. |
| *Results* *per* *Page* | Select the number of search results per page the search will return. \\
*Note:* This number also defines the number of thumbnail images that will display in the {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Results{_}{color} {color:#212187}_(Images{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}for Series)_{color}. |
| *Subject* *IDs* | Enter one or more subject ID strings, separated by commas. |

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Table_ _2.1_ _Simple_ _Search_ _criteria_ _(Continued)_

3. Click the appropriate button to initiate, enhance or reset the search.

&nbsp;&nbsp; a. Click *Submit* to start the search. The Search Criteria and Search Results (by Subject) pages display (see {color:#212187}{_}Initiating{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Searches{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}from{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Other{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Applications{_}{color}).

&nbsp;&nbsp; b. Click *Reset* to reset the search criteria to their default values.

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556973}2.3 _Performing_ _an_ _Advanced_ _Search_

An Advanced Search has all fields available for a Simple Search, as well as expanded options. Criteria that you select helps narrow the data search. All advanced searches are made at the series level from the Advanced Search page.

&nbsp;To perform an Advanced Search, follow these steps:

1. After logging in, click the *Search* *Images* link on The&nbsp;Cancer Imaging Archive home page. The Simple Search page opens by default. Proceed to step 2.

-- OR --

After logging in, bypass the Search Images link and click the *Advanced* *Search* link in the Search Images section. Proceed to step 3.

2. Click the *Advanced* *Search* link on the Simple Search page. Criteria that you may have already selected on the Simple Search page displays on the Advanced Search page.&nbsp;{htmlcomment}

3. At the top of the Advanced Search page, the Nodes to Search section lists the remote databases you can identify to be searched outside the local Cancer Imaging Archive imaging archive ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.1{_}{color}). (See {color:#212187}{_}Specifying{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Remote{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Sites)_{color}\\
\\  !worddav7d725c781c84dd2ec9222d06209de341.png|height=302,width=528!\\
_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _2.3_ _Advanced_ _Search_ _Page_
The remainder of the Advanced Search page displays the search criteria ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.4{_}{color}). &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;{htmlcomment}

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _2.4_ _Advanced_ _Search_ _page_

4. Choose the search criteria as described in {color:#212187}{_}Table{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.2{_}{color}.
| *{_}Advanced{_}* *{_}Search{_}* \\
*{_}Criteria{_}* | \\
*{_}Description{_}* |
| *Image* *Modality(ies)* | Select from the available image classifications and move them to the *Selected* panel. If none are selected, then the search returns data for all modalities. \\
Regarding the text options: \\
* Select *ALL* to return only cases where all selections apply. \\
* Select *ANY* to return cases to which one or more of the selections apply. |
| *Contrast* | Select either option: \\
* *Enhanced* \\
* *Un-enhanced* \\
If you leave both options unselected, or if you select both options, the results will be the same--as though you had selected oth options. |
| *Anatomical* *Site* | Select from the available anatomical sites. If none are selected, then the search returns data for all anatomical sites. \\
*Note:* The value *NOT* *SPECIFIED* means that the field has no value, is empty or is not given a value as supplied by the source. If you select *NOT* *SPECIFIED*, then all images are found where anatomical sites are not specified. |
| *Image* *Slice* \\
*Thickness* | Select *I* *would* *like* *to* *filter* *by* *Image* *Slice* *Thickness* to allow you to select a thickness range or number. Use the first set of drop-down boxes only to select one thickness by using (*=*), greater than (*>*) or greater than or equal to (*>=*) to a selected thickness. For example, for a thickness greater than \\
5mm, select > 5mm and leave the second text box blank: \\  !worddav4c78f7a5c030b57b93c44de791c99380.png|height=44,width=219! \\
Use both sets of drop-down boxes to select a range of numbers. For example, for a range between 3mm and 7 mm, select > 5 mm and < 7mm: \\  !worddave7aa2d3819133428c0e13412b2d8bdd1.png|height=46,width=223! \\
If you do not select this, then the search returns data for all image slice thicknesses. |
| *Previous* *Minimum* \\
*Number* *of* *Studies* | Patients are selected if more than the entered number of studies has been performed on the patient. It is specified as baseline (first visit) plus the number of subsequent visits. Select a number from the drop-down list. |
| *Number* *of* *Months between* *Baseline and* *Final* *Study* | This allows selection of cases with the desired amount of follow-up. Select equal (*=*), greater than (*>*), greater than or equal to (*>=*), less than (*<*) or less than or equal to (*<=*) from the drop-down list and enter the desired number of months. |
_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Table_ _2.2_ _Advanced_ _Search_ _Criteria_
| *{_}Advanced{_}* *{_}Search{_}* \\
*{_}Criteria{_}* | \\
*{_}Description{_}* |
| *Collection(s)* | Collections are groupings of image data sets defined by a system administrator. Select from the available collections. Select from the available collections. If none are selected, then the search returns data for all collections. \\
Click the (*?*) icon next to the collection name to display a popup with the collection description, if it exists. \\
Click *Collection* *Descriptions* for more information about the collections. |
| *Available* *on* *NBIA* *(mm/dd/yyyy)* | Using the date convention, enter a date range for images to be searched. All images submitted within that range and for which you have viewer privileges will be listed as part of the search results. |
| *Series* *Includes* \\
*Annotations* | Select either option: \\
* *Annotated* \\
* *Non-Annotated* \\
If you leave both options unselected, or if you select both options, then the search returns both series that have annotations and do not have annotations. |
| *Subject* *IDs* | Enter one or more subject ID strings, separated by commas. |
| *The* *following* *criterion* *displays* *below* *the* *DICOM* *criteria* *on* *the* *search* *page:* | |
| *Results* *per* *Page* | Select the number of search results per page the search will return. \\
&nbsp; \\
*Note:* This number also defines the number of thumbnail images that will display in the {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Results{_}{color} {color:#212187}_(Images{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}for Series)_{color}. |
_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Table_ _2.2_ _Advanced_ _Search_ _Criteria_ _(Continued)_

5. Choose the modality manufacturer search criteria as shown in {color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.5{_}{color} and described in {color:#212187}{_}Table{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.3{_}{color}.

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _2.5_ _Modality_ _Manufacturer_ _Search_ _Criteria_
| *{_}Criteria{_}* | *{_}Description{_}* |
| *Manufacturer* \\
*Model* \\
*Software* *Version* | This option displays a tree view of the manufacturers, models and software versions for the image modality. The number in parentheses indicates the number of items under that branch of the tree. \\
* Click on the plus sign to expand a branch of the tree or click on the minus sign to collapse a branch of the tree. \\
* Select a manufacturer, model or software version for your search by clicking in the box next to the item. Any items under the branch you selected are automatically selected for you. For example, Phillips Medical Systems was selected above. \\
If none are selected, then the search returns data for all manufacturers. |
_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Table_ _2.3_ _Modality_ _Manufacturer_ _Search_ _Criteria_

6. Choose the DICOM search criteria as shown in {color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.6{_}{color} and described in {color:#212187}{_}Table{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.4{_}{color}. For more information on DICOM, see [http://medical.nema.org/|http://medical.nema.org/].

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _2.6_ _DICOM_ _Search_ _Criteria_
| *{_}Criteria{_}* | *{_}Description{_}* |
| *Series* *Description* | Enter your description of the Series. The Series Description is a DICOM tag with a group number of 0008 and element number of 103E. The specified text must exactly match a portion of an existing series description (not case-sensitive). |
| *Convolution* *Kernel* | Select from the available convolution kernels. Convolution kernel is a label describing the convolution kernel or algorithm used to reconstruct the data. The DICOM tag group number is 0018 and the element number is 1210.&nbsp; If none are selected, then the search returns data for all convolution kernels. |
_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Table_ _2.4_ _DICOM_ _search_ _criteria_
| *{_}Criteria{_}* | *{_}Description{_}* |
| *Kilovoltage* *Peak* \\
*Distribution* | Kilovoltage Peak Distribution is the kilo voltage output of the x-ray generator used by a modality. The DICOM tag group number is 0018 and the element number is 0060. The DICOM attribute name is KVP. \\
Use the first set of drop-down boxes only (before the AND) to select a peak distribution by using (*=*), greater than (*>*) or greater than or equal to (*=>*). \\
Use both sets of drop-down boxes to select a range of numbers. From the first drop-down box, select greater than (*>*) or greater than and equal to (*=>*) and specify a peak distribution. Then, select less than (*<*) or less than and equal to (*=<*) form the second drop-down list and specify the maximum peak distribution. |
_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Table_ _2.4_ _DICOM_ _search_ _criteria_ _(Continued)_

7. Click the appropriate button to initiate, enhance or reset the search.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a. Click *Submit* to start the search. The Search Criteria and Search Results (by Subject) pages display (see {color:#212187}{_}Initiating{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Searches{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}from{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Other{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Applications{_}{color}.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; b. Click *Reset* to reset the search criteria to their default values.

After the search is submitted, search criteria are summarized in a Criteria Selected table. Search results display below the table. See {color:#212187}{_}Viewing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Results{_}{color}.

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556974}2.4 _Performing_ _a_ _Dynamic_ _Search_

A dynamic search allows you to build search criteria based on data values or ranges. To launch a dynamic search in The Cancer Imaging Archive database at image series level, follow these steps:

1. After logging in, click the *Search* *Images* link on The Cancer Imaging Archive home page. The Simple Search page opens by default. Proceed to step 2.

-- OR --

After logging in, bypass the Search Images link and click the *Dynamic* *Search* link in the Search Images section. The Dynamic Search page opens
({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.7{_}{color}). Proceed to step 3.

2. Click the *Dynamic* *Search* button on the Simple Search page. The Dynamic Search page opens ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.7{_}{color}).

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _2.7_ _Dynamic_ _Search_ _page_

3. On the Dynamic Search page, define criteria for the *Group* category, using the following suggestions:

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a. Select an option in the first drop-down list. Options include The Cancer Imaging Archive entities.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; b. Your selection drives the options that display in the second drop-down as well as the options or text box that display for the rest of the category. Select from the third drop-down the operand appropriate for the other selection. Where appropriate, enter the value or selected text in the drop-down list.
4. Click the *Add* icon ( !worddav7c700933068a6b7115abd711573f4fbb.png|height=20,width=21! ) for each set of criteria you define.

5. As you add criteria, they display in a table above the criteria fields on the page. To remove criteria you have added, click the *Remove* icon ( !worddavc12bda282df8b85eba06cf477ba97af9.png|height=18,width=19! ).

6. Select the *And* or *Or* operand at the bottom of the page that determines whether the search finds image series that meet only all of the criteria or that meet any one of the criteria.

7. Indicate the Number of Results that will display per page. Default is set at 10.

8. To clear all fields and start again, click the *Reset* button.

9. To execute the search, click the *Submit* button.

For information about search results, see {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Results{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Overview{_}{color}.

After a search is submitted, search criteria are summarized in a Criteria Selected table. Search results display below the table. For more information about search results, see {color:#212187}{_}Initiating{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Searches{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}from{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Other{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Applications{_}{color}. {htmlcomment}

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556975}2.5 _Specifying_ _Remote_ _Search_ _Sites_

A remote search site is an image database residing outside of the local Cancer Imaging Archive imaging archive.&nbsp;When you select a remote image database, Simple, Advanced, and Annotation Keyword Search pages display search results for the local Cancer Imaging Archive imaging archive AND any selected remote sites.

To select remote search sites, follow these steps:

1. Initiate the search by following one of these options:
* Click *Search* *Images* on the menu bar.
* Proceed with a *Simple* *Search* in the search form that opens, as described in {color:#212187}{_}Performing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}a{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Simple{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color}.

* Click *Advanced* *Search*, as described in {color:#212187}{_}Performing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}an{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Advanced{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color}.
At the top of either page that opens, the NBIA software displays a Nodes to Search section ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.8{_}{color}).
\\  !worddavdaf57ffbb71fb3e6046914a5ed1f2dee.png|height=181,width=597!&nbsp;
_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _2.8_ _You_ _can_ _interact_ _with remote_ _sites_ _by_ _selecting_ _remote_ _nodes_ _on_ _the_ _Search page._

2. The *Available* panel shows the name of the remote node. The name used is the research center display name from the service metadata (acquired from the grid index service). As you mouse over the available sites, a popup displays where the site resides, for example "local" or a URL to the service. Select the remote site(s) that you want to search.
\\  !worddava4667100288d0f1fb0bacd907ec7cf32.png|height=181,width=605!

*Note:* By default, if you make no node selection, only the local node is searched.

3. Click the *Lookup* *Search* *Terms* link

The search criteria: modality, anatomic site, convolution kernel, collection, and equipment are populated based upon what actually exists in the searchable nodes. These criteria do not distinguish which comes from where (in the main UI) but Lookup Search Terms breaks this down so you will avoid searching for modality X that isn't available on node Y.

4. Continue defining search criteria as described in {color:#212187}{_}Performing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}a{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Simple{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} or {color:#212187}{_}Performing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}an{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Advanced{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color}.
*Note:* Once retrieved, you can download remote node data using the Download Manager and the Download All button in the data basket. For more information, see {color:#212187}{_}Managing the{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Data{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Basket{_}{color}. {htmlcomment}

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556976}2.6 _Working_ _with_ _Saved_ _Search_ _Queries_

After you launch a search, the Search Criteria page displays the search criteria summary for your review. It allows you to save the query for future use. A text field for entering the query name and a *Save* *Query* button displays below the search criteria (circled in {color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.9{_}{color}).

!figure 2_9.png|border=1!

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _2.9_ _Save_ _Query_ _option_

*Note:* If you launched the search from a previously saved query, then the text field and *Save* *Query* buttons do not display.

h4. {anchor:_Toc293556977}2.6.1 Saving a Search Query.

To save a search query, perform the following steps:

1. Enter a name for the saved query in the *Save* *Query* text field.

2. Click the *Save* *Query* button.

The NBIA software attempts to save the query and displays a message that indicates the success or failure and suggests any additional actions that are required.

h4. {anchor:_Toc293556978}2.6.2 Managing Saved Queries.

Click the *View* *Saved* *Queries* link in the left sidebar of the viewer to display the Saved Queries page ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.10{_}{color}).

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _2.10_ _Saved_ _Queries_ _page_

This page displays a table of all queries that are currently saved for you. Table columns are described in {color:#212187}{_}Table{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.5{_}{color}. The table is sorted in descending order by *Last* *Executed* date by default. You can also sort by *Query* *Name* by clicking on the down arrow next to the column title.
| *{_}Saved{_}* *{_}Query{_}* | *{_}Description{_}* |
| *Query* *Name* | The name of the query displays as a link. The default is that the criteria themselves do not display. The link toggles whether the criteria for the saved query displays. Click the link to display/not display the criteria selected for the query. |
| *Last* *Executed* | The most recent date and time you executed the query displays. The time is displayed for the Eastern Time (US and Canada) time zone. |
| *New* *Data* *Available* | An icon appears if new data is available for the saved query. Click the icon to display the results (new data only) on the Search Results page. |
| *Resubmit* *Query* | Click the *Resubmit* *Query* button to submit the query using the saved criteria and display the results on the Search Results page. The results contain both old and new data. |
| *Edit* *Query* | Click the *Edit* *Query* button to display the Search page displaying the criteria that was saved for the query. You can then modify the criteria. |
| *Check* *Box* | Click the check box to mark the query for deletion. You can click the check box in the header to select all queries or you can select queries individually. |
_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Table_ _2.5_ _Saved_ _Query_ _descriptions_ _and_ _tasks_

You can perform the following actions on the Saved Queries page.
* *Remove* *Selected* *Items*\--Check the box corresponding to any Saved Query line items and click the *Remove* *Selected* *Items* button to delete selected saved queries.

After the NBIA software attempts to delete the queries, it returns you to the *Manage* *Saved Queries* page; a message displays that indicates the success or failure and suggests any additional actions that are required.
* *View* *Query* *History*\--Click the *Query* *History* tab to display the View Query History page (see {color:#212187}{_}Viewing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}a{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Query{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}History{_}{color}).
* *Resubmit* *a* *Saved* *Query*\--If you resubmit a saved query, the name of the saved query displays on the Search Results page with the following message:

*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; These* *are* *the* *results* *of* *the* *\{Name\}* *saved* *query*.

If the query is executed for new data only, the following message appears:

*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; These* *are* *the* *results* *of* *the* *\{Name\}* *saved* *query* *(new* *data* *since* *\{Date\}* *only)*.

\{Date\} is the last executed date used as part of the criteria of the query to make it only display new results.

h4. {anchor:_Toc293556979}2.6.3 Editing Saved Queries

*Note:* You cannot edit the name of a saved query. You can, however, re‐run the query and save this as a new query with a new name. You can then go back and delete the old query.

Perform the following steps to edit a saved query.

1. Click the *Edit* *Query* button from the Saved Queries page ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.10{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Saved Queries{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}page{_}{color}) to display the Search page containing the criteria that was saved for the query. The name of the saved query being edited is shown in the following information message:

*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Saved* *query* *\{Name\}* *is* *being* *edited.* *After* *pressing* *Submit* *and* *viewing the* *results,* *you* *will* *have* *the* *option* *to* *save* *the* *changes*.

2. Edit the criteria for the saved query and click *Submit*.

3. The Search Criteria page ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.11{_}{color}) displays the criteria and the Search Results page displays the results for the edited criteria.
\\  !worddav35b477a9d028b0237ddc53491a0ec586.png|height=164,width=357!\\
_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _2.11_ _Save_ _Edited_ _Query_

4. Choose one of the following choices (see {color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.11{_}{color}).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a. Select *Update* *saved* *query* *\{Query* *Name\}* *with* *the* *new* *criteria* and click *Save* *Query*.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; b. Select *Save* *this* *criteria* *as* *a* *new* *saved* *query* *called*, enter a new query name and click *Save* *Query*.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; c. If you do not like the results returned by the criteria, navigate back to the Search page to try again.

If you clicked the *Save* *Query* button, the system attempts to save the query and displays a message which indicates the success or failure and performs any additional actions that are required.

h4. {anchor:_Toc293556980}2.6.4 Viewing a Query History

Click the *View* *Query* *History* link in the left sidebar or the *Query* *History* tab from the Saved Queries page to display the Query History page (see {color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.12{_}{color}). The Query History page displays a table of the last twenty queries that you executed which includes queries that are not saved and saved queries that are resubmitted.

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _2.12_ _Query_ _History_ _page_

The Query History table contains the data in {color:#212187}{_}Table{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}2.6{_}{color}&nbsp;
| *{_}Field{_}* *{_}Name{_}* | *{_}Description{_}* |
| *Query* *Name* | The name of the query displays as a link. The link toggles whether the criteria for the executed query is displayed. The text of the link can appear three different ways depending on the situation \\
* If the query was not saved, *No* *Name* *Provided* displays as the link. \\
* If the query is a saved query that has not been edited since the last execution date, the name of the saved query is displayed. \\
* If the query is a saved query that has been edited since the last execution date, the name of the saved query is displayed with an asterisk. The asterisk refers to a message at the bottom of the page which is a warning to you that the results are based on the criteria that were used at the time the query was run, not the criteria that is currently saved for the query. |
| *Last* *Executed* | The date and time that you executed the query. The time is displayed for the Eastern Time (US & Canada) time zone. |
| *Resubmit* *Query* | Click the *Resubmit* *Query* button to submit the query using the saved criteria. The results display on the *Search* *Results* page (see {color:#212187}{_}Initiating{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Searches{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}from{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Other{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Applications{_}{color}). |

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Table_ _2.6_ _Query_ _History_

Click the *Saved* *Queries* tab to display the Saved Queries page (see {color:#212187}{_}Managing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Saved{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Queries{_}{color}).

h2. {anchor:_Toc293556981}{+}Chapter 3 - VIEWING SEARCH RESULTS+

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556982}3.1 _Search_ _Results_ _Overview_

In reviewing search results, it is important to review the hierarchy of submissions in The Cancer Imaging Archive.
*&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Collection* *>* *Patient* *(Subject)* *>* *Study* *>* *Series* *>* *Images*
Search results display first as {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Results{_}{color} {color:#212187}_(by{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Subject)_{color}. As you click on *Show Studies* links in those results, the NBIA software drills down to {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Results{_}{color} {color:#212187}_(Studies{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}for{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Subject)_{color} where more details for studies display. From these results, when you click *Show Images* links, the {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Results{_}{color} {color:#212187}_(Images{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}for{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Series)_{color} display, revealing thumbnail images within a series.

*Note:* At any point in the process of reviewing results, you can add items‐‐the entire patient, a study, or a series----to your data basket by selecting the items and clicking the *Add* *to Basket* button. This identifies objects to be downloaded.

When you download a series that has annotation files (indicated by *Yes* in the *Contains* *Annotations* column), they are automatically downloaded as well.

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556983}3.2 _Search_ _Results_ _(by_ _Subject)_

The Search Results (by Subject \[patient\]) page displays search results categorized by each host site you searched, named at the upper left of each set of results. You can collapse each set by clicking the down arrow by the host site.

The results of the search by subject ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}3.1{_}{color}) display in table format. Below the table, the numbered sequence of hits in the visible list displays as well as the number of entire hits.
\\  !worddavbdc00a9f5c05f1609b32d72f7a3e6ffc.png|height=415,width=407!\\
_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _3.1_ _Search_ _Results_ _by_ _Subject_

{color:#212187}{_}Table{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}3.1{_}{color} describes each item in the Search Results (by subject) table.
| *{_}Search{_}* *{_}Result{_}* | *{_}Description{_}* |
| *Show* *Studies* | Click this hypertext link to display the studies for this subject. |
| *Collection* *ID* | Collection identifier |
| *Subject* *ID* | Subject identifier |
| *Studies* | Contains two numbers: the number of studies that met the criteria / \\
total number of studies for the subject |
| *Series* | Contains two numbers: the number of series that met the criteria / \\
total number of series |
| *\[Basket\]* *Check* *Boxes* | Use the check boxes to mark the result for addition to your data basket. Click the *Check* *All*/*Uncheck* *All* buttons to select or deselect all results, or you can select results individually. |
_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Table_ _3.1_ _Search_ _Results_ _(by_ _Subject)_

1. Click any *Show* *Studies* links to display the studies for this subject where more details for studies display. See {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Results{_}{color} {color:#212187}_(Studies{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}for{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Subject)_{color}.

Some search results may display, but results from a disallowed collection are not included.

When you save a query when you have access to a collection, and then resubmit the query later (after your access to the collection has been revoked), the system still has the disallowed collection criteria saved.

2. You can perform the following actions on the Search Results (by Subject) page ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}3.1{_}{color}).
* Click the down arrow next to a column title to sort the column by that item.
* Click the *Previous* (or *<<*) and *Next* \*(*or \*>>*) buttons at the bottom of the table to display the previous or next set of results. The numbers of the results displayed is shown.
* Click the page number links to move to a specific page of results.
* Click the *Add* *to* *Basket* button to add items selected to your data basket (see {color:#212187}{_}Adding{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Items{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}to{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Your{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Basket{_}{color}).
* Click *View* *My* *Basket* to display the items in your data basket (see {color:#212187}{_}Managing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}the{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Data{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Basket{_}{color}).


h3. 3.3 _Search_ _Results_ _(Studies_ _for_ _Subject)_

When you click a study in the {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Results{_}{color} {color:#212187}_(by{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Subject)_{color} page, the Search Results (Studies for Subject) page opens, showing Study level in the bread crumbs at the page bottom. This page displays specific information for each study: the *Study* *ID*, *Date* and *Description* followed by a table containing the details for each study ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}3.2{_}{color}).
\\  !worddav7d801dbe54a293e1fb46ee1cca06ac5c.png|height=321,width=413!\\
_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _3.2_ _Studies_ _for_ _Subject_ _Search_ _Results_

{color:#212187}{_}Table{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}3.2{_}{color} describes each item in the Search Results (for subject) table.&nbsp;

| *{_}Search{_}* *{_}Result{_}* | *{_}Description{_}* |
| *Show* *Images* | Click this link to display the images for the series. |
| *Series* | Series ID |
| *Images* | Number of images for that series which can be displayed by clicking the *Show* *Images* link. This number includes both visible images that meet the criteria and those that do not. For example, where "3/4" displays, there are 4 studies total for the patient, and 3 of those 4 have images that met the search criteria. \\
Note: If you select a series with more than two images, you can view an animation of the image collection. For more information, see {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Results{_}{color} {color:#212187}_(Images{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}for{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Series)_{color}&nbsp;and {color:#212187}{_}Viewing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Image Animation{_}{color}. |
| *Description* | Description of the Series |
| *Modality* | Modality |
| *Manufacturer* | Name of the manufacturer |
| *Contains* \\
*Annotations* | Displays *Yes* or *No,* revealing if there are annotation files. *Yes* becomes a hypertext link if the series has corresponding annotations for which the content type has been identified by curators. Hover over or click the link to display the annotation content type(s). If annotation files are available, but the content type is not known, *Yes* displays but is not hypertext. |
| *Check* *Box* | Click the check box to mark the result for addition to your basket. You can click the check box in the header to select all results or you can select results individually. |

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Table_ _3.2_ _Studies_ _for_ _Subject_ _Search_ _ResultsSearch_ _Results_ _for_ _Studies_ _for_ _Subject_

To visualize images identified on the search results page, you must have the Cedara I-Response Workstation (IRW) installed on your system.

*Note:* If you do not have the IRW installed, click this link to the NCICB GForge Download page: [https://gforge.nci.nih.gov/frs/?group_id=312]{color:#0000ff}[https://gforge.nci.nih.gov/frs/?group_id=312\+|https://gforge.nci.nih.gov/frs/?group_id=312+]{color}. Toward the top of the page, click the *I‐ResponseR.v.\[x.zip* hypertext link*.\* You can download the corresponding user 's guide, accessible from the same site, as well.

1. Start the Cedara IRW on your system.

*Note:* If the IRW is not executed, you cannot visualize images. NBIA will inform you to install/execute the Cedara first.

2. Click the *Visualize* *Images* button to open the IRW window and visualize images in the data basket. For complete instructions on how to use the IRW, refer to the Cedara online help.

*Note:* If you are not logged in, when you click this button, NBIA informs you that you must log in to access this feature.

3. You can perform the following additional actions on the Search Results (Studies for Subject) page.
* Click the *Check* *All* or *Uncheck* *All* buttons to select or deselect all items on the search results page or click the check boxes individually.
* Click the *Add* *to* *Basket* button to add items selected to your data basket&nbsp;(see {color:#212187}{_}Adding{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Items{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}to{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Your{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Basket{_}{color}).
* Click *View* *My* *Basket* to display the items in your data basket (see&nbsp;{color:#212187}{_}Managing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}the{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Data{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Basket{_}{color}).
\\  {anchor:_Toc293556985}

h3. &nbsp;

h3. 3.4 _Search_ _Results_ _(Images_ _for_ _Series)_

When you click the *Show* *Images* link in the {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Results{_}{color} {color:#212187}_(Studies{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}for{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Subject)_{color} page, this opens the Search Results (Images for Series) page. The bread crumbs at the top and bottom of the page show that you are viewing image thumbnails at the series level.

A table at the top of the page ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}3.3{_}{color}) contains information defined for the series, followed by an option to launch an animation of the images (where there are more than two). Thumbnail images for the series you selected are also display on the page. The number of images that displays corresponds to the results per page that you defined when you set the search criteria.

_&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _3.3_ _Images_ _for_ _Series_ _Search_ _Results_

{color:#212187}{_}Table{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}3.3{_}{color} describes each item in the Search Results (Images for Series) table.
| *{_}Search{_}* *{_}Result{_}* | *{_}Description{_}* |
| *Subject* *ID* | Subject identification number |
| *Study* *ID* | Study identification number |
| *Date* | Date |
| *Modality* | Modality |
| *Manufacturer* | Name of the manufacturer |
| *Contains* *Annotations* | Displays *Yes* or *No,* revealing if there are annotation files. *Yes* becomes a hypertext link if the series has corresponding annotations for which the content type has been identified by curators. Hover over or click the link to display the annotation content type(s). If annotation files are available, but the content type is not known, *Yes* displays but is not hypertext. |
| *Data* *Location* | Displays the name of the center housing the data |
| {color:#0000ff}{_}{+}DICOM{+}{_}{color} | Click the *DICOM* icon to open a new window that displays DICOM metadata about the first image in the series. \\
Each image series can have multiple images whose thumbnails display in this search results page. While each image has its own DICOM file whose attributes may vary slightly from the others in the series, the DICOM file that opens displays values for only the first image in the series. These values represent the values for all images in the series. |
_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Table_ _3.3_ _Images_ _for_ _Series_ _Search_ _Result_ _fields_

You can perform the following actions on the Search Results (Images for Series) page:
* Launch an animation of the series (where there are more than two thumbnails). Under the table summarizing the series information, click *View* *Movie* at the end of the sentence, "To view an animation of the images in this series, ...". For more information, see {color:#212187}{_}Viewing{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Image{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Animation{_}{color}.
* To enlarge an image, float your cursor over an image thumbnail (or click it). A larger version of the image displays in the upper right hand corner of the page.
* Click the *Add* *to* *Basket* button to add the entire series to your data basket (see {color:#212187}{_}Adding{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Items{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}to{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Your{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Basket{_}{color}). Images that you add become highlighted on the Images for Series page.

*Note:* You cannot add images individually to the data basket.
* Click *View* *My* *Basket* to display the items in your data basket (see {color:#212187}{_}Managing the{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Data{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Basket{_}{color}).
\\  {anchor:_Toc293556986}

h3. &nbsp;

h3. 3.5 _Viewing_ _Image_ _Animation_

From the {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Results{_}{color} {color:#212187}_(Images{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}for{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Series)_{color} (DICOM Series) page, you can launch an animation of thumbnails where there are more than two images in the series. Click the *View* *Series* *in* *Cine* *Mode* link.

You can also launch the animation of an image series from the Data Basket. In the&nbsp; *View* column of the Data Basket, click the magnifying glass symbol, !worddav0e7021bd606df4e6cc1adb9fd3817592.png|height=26,width=28!\\
corresponding to the series you want to view. On the View Series Images page, click the *View* *Series* *in* *Cine* *Mode* link.
_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _3.4_ _Image_ _animation_ _viewer_

&nbsp;When the viewer opens ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}3.4{_}{color}), click the play forward button !worddav1b21e0e6963aaf2b1c05b5d08200be8d.png|height=38,width=37!. The Cancer Imaging Archive proceeds to display the images sequentially in a "movie".

The following table describes the action of each of the animation controls.
| \\
\\  !worddavfc3c365bdd66fd6e90edc216122ccdf7.png|height=27,width=212! \\ | | \\
Drag the arrow to set which frame of the movie displays. This also monitors the progress of the animation. |
| \\
\\  !worddav421d5b50dc6aad64e3f5d8dff878f9e0.png|height=35,width=208! \\ | | \\
Drag ends of the yellow bar to vary the range of images playing. |
| a. !worddav81cfff6cb1b1669ae5e6e15ae0a2e707.png|height=37,width=35! . | b. !worddave8d4a13bf43d36209f0cb62fc972fb3f.png|height=38,width=37! . | a. Click to return to the first image in the series. \\
b. Click to progress to the last image in the series. |
| \\
a. !worddava2802a3ac7565ba11130316a84cf1af9.png|height=35,width=35! | \\
b. !worddavb469bc4fa348ab1c2f612d09876f39c5.png|height=38,width=33! | a. Click to play animation backwards through the series \\
b. Click to play animation forward through the series |
| \\
a. !worddav609ed226421ced269a82e7307e0e10a2.png|height=39,width=35! | \\
b. !worddav33c69c663ad92937249cc7137bf682b5.png|height=37,width=34! | a. Click to stop the animation; click successively to display one image at a time, moving backwards through the series. \\
b. Click to stop the animation; click successively to display one image at a time, moving forward through the series. |
| \\
c. !worddav366c0c4d4bfa4f995ea14dea2a2a71cf.png|height=35,width=32! | | Click to cycle the animation forward or backward. Once set, the animation continues _ad_ _infinitum_. |

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Table_ _3.4_ _Image_ _animation_ _controls_

*Note:* If the animation if very sluggish, be sure and note the warning at the bottom of the page.

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556987}3.6 _Working_ _with_ _the_ _Data_ _Basket_

As you review search results in The Cancer Imaging Archive, you can add items at any level to your data basket for subsequent download.

h4. {anchor:_Toc293556988}3.6.1 Adding Items to Your Basket

You can add items to your basket at the subject \[patient\], study, and series levels.

1. To select items, use the *Check* *All* and *Uncheck* *All* buttons above the search results tables to select or deselect all items on a given search results page or click the corresponding check boxes for items individually.

*Note:* Check boxes do not exist on the Images for Series page. If you click the *Add* *to* *Basket* button on the page, all of the images in the series are added to the Data Basket.

2. When satisfied, click the *Add* *to* *Basket* button.

The items added to the basket are highlighted on the page from which you initiated this task.

h4. {anchor:_Toc293556989}3.6.2 Managing the Data Basket

Click the *View* *Contents* link in the left sidebar, *Manage* *Data* *Basket* from the top menu bar or the *View* *My* *Basket* button from Search Results pages to display the My Data Basket page. This page displays a table of all the items in your data basket ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}3.5{_}{color}).

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _3.5_ _My_ _Data_ _Basket_ _page_

{color:#212187}{_}Table{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}3.5{_}{color} describes each item in the Data Basket table

| *{_}Data{_}* *{_}Basket{_}* *{_}Field{_}* | *{_}Description{_}* |
| *Subject* *ID* | Subject identification number |
| *Study* *Instance* *UID* | Study identification number |
| *Series* *ID* | Series identification number |
| *Number* *of* *Images* | Contains two numbers: Number of Images Selected / Number \\
Available |
| *Image* *Size* *(in* *MB)* | Size of the image file in megabytes |
| *Annotation* *File* *Size* \\
*(in* *MB)* | Size of the annotations file in megabytes. This column is *N/A* if there are no annotations. |
| *Select* | To remove the item from the basket, select the check box and click the *Remove* *Selected* *Items* button. |
| *Location* | The location of the image \\
&nbsp;"Local" represents The CANCER IMAGING ARCHIVE&nbsp; that you are currently logged into.{htmlcomment} Other locations are remote sites selected with the Remote Search option. For more information about the Remote Search option, see {color:#212187}{_}Specifying{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Remote{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Search{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Sites{_}{color}.{htmlcomment} |

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Table_ _3.5_ _My_ _Data_ _Basket_ _field_

The total size of your data basket and the estimated download time displays at the bottom of the My Data Basket page ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}3.5{_}{color}).

To delete an item from your basket, select the check box of an item and click the *Remove* *Selected* *Items* button. You can continue to add items to your data basket from the Search Results pages.

*Note:* If the series you mark for deletion is part of a Shared List, a message appears alerting you to that fact. The message also includes the name of the shared list and the shared list creator 's email address. This gives you the opportunity to back out of the deletion. For more information see {color:#212187}{_}Working{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}With{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Shared{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Lists{_}{color}.

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556990}3.7 _Working_ _With_ _Shared_ _Lists_

The NBIA software provides a way for you to identify and label a collection of image series for you to use or share with other Cancer Imaging Archive users.

h4. {anchor:_Toc293556991}3.7.1 Creating a Shared List

*Note:* Anyone can create a shared list. Once you do so, you will need to record the exact name of the shared list to distribute to others who may want to use the list. That is the only way they can access it.

You can initiate creating a shared list by clicking the *Create* *Shared* *List* link under *Tools* on the left sidebar or by putting series in the data basket. To create a shared list, follow one of the two following methods:

_{+}Left{+}_ _{+}Sidebar{+}_ _{+}Link:+_
1. Click the *Create* *Shared* *List* link under Tools on the left sidebar.

2. In the Create My Shared List page that opens:

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a. Enter a *Name* for the list (required).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; b. Add *Comments* and a *Hyperlink*, where appropriate, which links to relevant or more detailed information about the list (optional).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; c. In the *Upload* *File* field, enter the name of a.csv file that includes all of the series instance IDs you want to be in the shared list. This file should have a series instance UID per line.

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; d. Click *Submit*.

Image series from the uploaded file is added to the data basket.

_{+}Data{+}_ _{+}Basket{+}_
1. Add image series that you want to include in the shared list to the data basket.

2. Click the *Create* *Shared* *List* button.

3. In the Create My Shared List page that opens:

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a. Enter a *Name* for the list (required).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; b. Add *Comments* and a *Hyperlink*, which links to relevant or more detailed information about the list (optional).

&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; c. Click *Submit*.

*Note:* The NBIA software will warn you that not all public users will have access to your list if the list contains any non‐public image series.

h4. {anchor:_Toc293556992}3.7.2 Editing a Shared List

*Note:* From the data basket, you can export image series instance IDs to a .csv file for later use in creating or editing a shared list. See {color:#212187}{_}Exporting{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}a{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Shared{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}List{_}{color} for more information.

You can edit the list only by uploading a .csv file with all the series instance IDs for the list. You can only edit shared lists you have created yourself.

To edit a shared list, follow these steps:

1. Click the *Edit* *Shared* *List* link under Tools on the left sidebar.

The Edit My Shared List page that opens displays a list of Shared Lists you have created.

2. Click the name of the shared list you want to edit. The details for the list open on the page.

3. Enter an appropriate comment or hyperlink that provides relevant information about the edited shared list.

4. Browse for the .csv file you want to upload. Doing so replaces the current shared list.

*Tip:* You cannot delete a shared list.

Because editing a shared list is only possible by replacing it, you might consider backing up a shared list when you create it. To do so, export the shared list as a .csv file when you create it. See {color:#212187}{_}Exporting{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}a{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}Shared{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}List{_}{color}.

h4. {anchor:_Toc293556993}3.7.3 Searching a Shared List

Any user can search for a shared list. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Click the *Search* *Shared* *List* link under Tools on the left sidebar.

2. In the Search Shared List page that opens, enter the exact name of an existing shared list. To retrieve the list, you must know the exact name given to the shared list.

3. Click *Submit* to launch the search or *Reset* to clear the field and start again.
If the search is successful, the NBIA software adds the image series in the shared list to the data basket. If the shared list includes series for which you do not have visibility rights, the NBIA software informs you that the displayed shared list is not complete.

h4. {anchor:_Toc293556994}3.7.4 Exporting a Shared List

Once you have created a shared list, you can export it as a .csv file. To do so, open the shared list in the data basket. Above the data table, click *Shared* *List* and select *Export* *Series* *ID*.

_&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Figure_ _3.6_ _Data_ _basket_ _displaying_ _export_ _shared_ _list_ _options_

The export begins, with a dialog box that opens asking if you want to open (in Excel) or save the file.

h3. {anchor:_Toc293556995}3.8 _Downloading_ _the_ _Data_ _Basket_

*Tip:* Disable popup blockers before you download the files. If you do not want to download the annotation files, deselect the *Include* *annotation* *files* *in* *your* *download* check box.

Once you are satisfied with your selections, click *Download*&nbsp;*Manager&nbsp;*at the top left of the results table.
*Note:* The Download Manager initially lists everything in your Data Basket. After you open the Download Manager, however, you can remove from the Download Manager the items you do not want to download.

To download objects using the Download Manager, follow these steps:

1. Click the *Download* *Manager* button. This opens the Download Manager ({color:#212187}{_}Figure{_}{color} {color:#212187}{_}3.7{_}{color}).

_Figure_ _3.7_ _Download_ _Manager_ _showing_ _a_ _download_ _in_ _process_ _in_ _the_ _Progress_ _column_

*Note:* You must have version 6 or higher of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed to be able to open the Download Manager.
If JRE 6 is installed, the Download Manager attempts to start. To run the application, you must click *Run* in the Warning dialog box indicating the application's digital signature cannot be verified. Before doing so, you can select the *More* *Information...* link at the bottom of the dialog to view a more detailed report of any security issues. Then you can evaluate whether you want to run the application.

* If JRE is installed but the version is older than version 6, the browser automatically attempts to upgrade the JRE to version 6.x.

If the JRE is not installed, when you click the Download Manager button, the browser prompts you for what it should do with the JNLP file. The Data Basket page includes a link to a page where you can download the JRE: [http://www.java.com/en/download/]{color:#0000ff}[http://www.java.com/en/download|http://www.java.com/en/download\+]{color}.
The Download Manager lists series items you selected in the data basket. You can mouse over the Patient ID, Study Instance and Series Instance columns to reveal the complete corresponding IDs or you can resize the column by grabbing the header.

2. Browse for the destination where you want the images/annotations to be downloaded.

*Note:* If you want to delete items from the Download Manager, select and click the *Delete* button. The NBIA software does not delete the same item from your data basket when you do so.

3. Click *Start* to execute the download. You can monitor the download in the Progress column. The Status column indicates when the download for each item is complete.

4. At any point in the process, you can click the *Pause* and *Resume* buttons to temporarily stop and restart the process.

Note that files downloaded this way are not zipped. The downloaded file(s) are stored in a file structure such as Collection name/patient id/study instance UID/ series instance UID/image SOP instance UID under the destination folder.

h4. {anchor:_Toc381}3.8.1. Download Errors

Errors may occur during the download process (see&nbsp;Figure below).&nbsp;&nbsp;An "Error" status will appear in the right-hand column, and a message appears at the bottom of the Download Manager Window: *"An error has occurred.&nbsp; Please reconstruct the data basket with unloaded image series".*&nbsp;You may *ignore* this message. &nbsp;The error or even multiple errors&nbsp;will not stop the download process.&nbsp; The Download Manager will continue on through the download basket; when finished, it then re-tries those series with Status = Error.&nbsp; Eventually, all items scheduled for download will download.&nbsp; To make sure the download is complete and free of errors, scroll up and down through the Download Manager window and make sure the Status for each line (series) is "Complete".&nbsp; If an error persists for a series, please notify The Cancer Imaging Archive team.

&nbsp; !DownloadManager_with_error.png|border=1!
