MICCAI 2018 Workshop and Challenges in Computational Precision Medicine

The Computational Precision Medicine (CPM) 2018 will be held on September 16, in Granada (Spain), in conjunction with MICCAI 2018. It will consist of a morning workshop and afternoon challenges. (further details will be provided in early June)

Registration: Participants of CPM workshop and/or challenges may choose to register for the entire MICCAI conference or register at a reduced fee only for this event, listed under Satellite Events on MICCAI 2018.

Note: Registration to the workshop/challenge sessions on Sept 16 is a prerequisite for participation in the test phase of the challenge. Contestants should provide proof of registration in order to be allowed into the test phase of each challenge.

Questions about the workshop and challenges? Send email to: farahani@nih.gov


Workshop: Computational Imaging in Precision Medicine

 Preliminary agenda for the Sept 16 morning workshop will be posted  in June.

DateDeadline / Event

May 15


Training phase open for Pancreatic Cancer challenge
June 12     

Training phase for all CPM challenges

July 31 -Aug 16

Test phase for all challenges

Aug 10

Short papers (up to 4 pages) describing the algorithm used in a challenge

Sept 16


Sept 16-20

MICCAI Conference (Granada, Spain)

Challenge session

CPM Challenges

  1. Pancreatic Cancer Survival Prediction Challenge
  2. Combined Imaging and Digital Pathology Brain Tumor Classification Challenge
  3. Digital Pathology Nuclei Segmentation Challenge
  4. Radiomics Stratifiers in Oropharynx Challenge

Challenges my be accessed through the CPM Challenge website
Please note important dates in the chart to the right of this page. 

Top three winners of each challenge will give brief presentations of their algorithms during the afternoon challenge sessions.  Two persons from each team will be invited as co-authors of the manuscript report of each challenge. 

Abstract Submission: Workshop speakers and participants in challenges are asked to provide abstracts of their presentations (1 page) or computational algorithms (up to 4 pages) by Aug 10.  PDF submissions (free formatted, journal style, and double-spaced) should be sent to  farahani@nih.gov

Organizing Committee

  • Spyridon Bakas, UPenn
  • Hesham El Halawani, MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • Keyvan Farahani, National Cancer Institute
  • John Freymann, Leidos Biomedical Research
  • David Fuller, MD Anderson Cancer Center
  • Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer, MGH Harvard
  • Justin Kirby, Leidos Biomedical Research
  • Tahsin Kurc, Stony Brook Cancer Center
  • Joel Saltz, Stony Brook Cancer Center
  • Amber Simpson, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center