If you use data from The Cancer Image Archive (TCIA) in your research we ask that you include appropriate references in your publications and presentations. These citations are critical for providing continued justification of funding from the agencies that support TCIA, and are what allow us to provide this data to you free of charge. Guidelines for how to cite TCIA can be found on our Citation Guidelines wiki page.  In addition we would like to list these publications here on our web site. If you have utilized TCIA in your research please contact us at help@cancerimagingarchive.net so that we can include your publications in the list below. The publication list below includes references to the original data collection as well as publications that specifically used data from TCIA.

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TCIA-Related Publication History

Table of Contents

TCIA General

  1. Toga AW, Dinov ID. Sharing big biomedical data. Journal of Big Data. 2015;2(1):1-12.
  2. Herskovits EH. Quantitative Radiology: Applications to Oncology. Emerging Applications of Molecular Imaging to Oncology. 2014;124:1-30.
  3. Armato SG, Hadjiiski L, Tourassi GD, Drukker K, Giger ML, Li F, Redmond G, Farahani K, Kirby JS, Clarke LP. Special Section Guest Editorial: LUNGx Challenge for computerized lung nodule classification: reflections and lessons learned. Journal of Medical Imaging. 2015;2(2):020103-.
  4. Moore SM, Maffitt DR, Smith KE, Kirby JS, Clark KW, Freymann JB, Vendt BA, Tarbox LR, Prior FW. De-identification of Medical Images with Retention of Scientific Research Value. RadioGraphics. 2015;35(3):727-35. doi: doi:10.1148/rg.2015140244.
  5. Bourne PE. DOIs for DICOM Raw Images: Enabling Science Reproducibility. Radiology. 2015;275(1):3-4. doi: doi:10.1148/radiol.15150144. PubMed PMID: 25799330.
  6. Commean PK, Rathmell JM, Clark KW, Maffitt DR, Prior FW. A Query Tool for Investigator Access to the Data and Images of the National Lung Screening Trial. Journal of Digital Imaging. 2015:1-9. (paper)
  7. Gutman DA, Dunn Jr WD, Cobb J, Stoner RM, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Erickson B. Web based tools for visualizing imaging data and development of XNATView, a zero footprint image viewer. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. 2014;8.(paper)
  8. Erickson BJ, Fajnwaks P, Langer SG, and Perry J. Multisite Image Data Collection and Management Using the RSNA Image Sharing Network., Translational oncology, 2014. 7(1):36-39. (paper)
  9. Gutman DA, Cobb J, Somanna D, et al. Cancer Digital Slide Archive: an informatics resource to support integrated in silico analysis of TCGA pathology data., Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 2013. 20(6): p. 1091-1098. doi: 10.1136/amiajnl-2012-001469 (paper)
  10. Clark K, Vendt B, Smith K, Freymann J, Kirby J, Koppel P, Moore S, Phillips S, Maffitt D, Pringle M, Tarbox L, Prior F. The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA): Maintaining and Operating a Public Information Repository, Journal of Digital Imaging, Volume 26, Number 6, December, 2013, pp 1045-1057. (paper)
  11. Prior FW, Clark K, Commean P, Freymann J, Jaffe C, Kirby J, Moore S, Smith K, Tarbox L, Vendt B. TCIA: an information resource to enable open science. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE; 2013. (paper)
  12. Jaffe, C Carl. Imaging and Genomics: Is There a Synergy?Radiology. 2012. 264(2):329-31.(paper).
  13. Mongkolwat P, Channin DS, Kleper V, Rubin DL. Informatics in Radiology: An Open-Source and Open-Access Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid Annotation and Image Markup Template Builder.Radiographics .2012. 32(4):1223-32. (paper).
  14. Freymann JB, Kirby JS, Perry JH, Clunie DA, and Jaffe CC. Image data sharing for biomedical research—meeting HIPAA requirements for de-identification.Journal of Digital Imaging 25, no. 1 (2012): 14-24. (paper)
  15. Villani L and Prati RC. Classificação Multirrótulo na Anotação Automática de Nódulo Pulmonar Solitário. Congresso Brasileiro de Informática em Saúde (CBIS’2012). Citado na. 2012.(paper)
  16. Kirby, J., L. Tarbox, et al. (2015). "TU-AB-BRA-03: The Cancer Imaging Archive: Supporting Radiomic and Imaging Genomic Research with Open-Access Data Sets." Medical physics 42(6): 3587-3587.


  1. Tomczak K, Czerwińska P, Wiznerowicz M. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA): an immeasurable source of knowledge. Contemp Oncol (Pozn). 2015;19(1A):A68-A77.

  2. Pope WB. Genomics of Brain Tumor Imaging. Neuroimaging Clinics of North America. 2015;25(1):105-19.

  3. Colen R, Foster I, Gatenby R, Giger ME, Gillies R, Gutman D, Heller M, Jain R, Madabhushi A, Madhavan S, Napel S, Rao A, Saltz J, Tatum J, Verhaak R, Whitman G. NCI Workshop Report: Clinical and Computational Requirements for Correlating Imaging Phenotypes with Genomics Signatures. Translational Oncology. 2014;7(5):556-69. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tranon.2014.07.007.
  4. Rao A. Exploring relationships between multivariate radiological phenotypes and genetic features: A case-study in Glioblastoma using the Cancer Genome Atlas, Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), 2013 IEEE.
  5. Gevaert O, Xu J, Hoang CD, Leung AN, Xu Y, Quon A, Rubin DL, Napel S, Plevritis SK. Non-small cell lung cancer: identifying prognostic imaging biomarkers by leveraging public gene expression microarray data--methods and preliminary results. Radiology. 2012;264(2):387-96. Epub 2012/06/23. doi: 10.1148/radiol.12111607. PubMed PMID: 22723499; PubMed Central PMCID: PMCPMC3401348.
  6. Feldman, M., M. G. Piazza, et al. (2015). "137 Somatostatin Receptor Expression on VHL-Associated Hemangioblastomas Offers Novel Therapeutic Target." Neurosurgery 62: 209-210.

  7. Gutman, D. A., W. D. Dunn Jr, et al. (2015). "Somatic mutations associated with MRI-derived volumetric features in glioblastoma." Neuroradiology: 1-11.
  8. Zhu, Y., H. Li, et al. (2015). "TU-CD-BRB-06: Deciphering Genomic Underpinnings of Quantitative MRI-Based Radiomic Phenotypes of Invasive Breast Carcinoma." Medical physics 42(6): 3603-3603.


  1.  Parmar, C., P. Grossmann, et al. (2015). "Machine Learning methods for Quantitative Radiomic Biomarkers." Sci Rep 5: 13087.
  2. Parmar, C., R. T. Leijenaar, et al. (2015). "Radiomic feature clusters and Prognostic Signatures specific for Lung and Head &Neck cancer." Sci Rep 5: 11044.

Algorithm Development

  1. Vallières M, Freeman C, Skamene S, El Naqa I. A radiomics model from joint FDG-PET and MRI texture features for the prediction of lung metastases in soft-tissue sarcomas of the extremities. Physics in medicine and biology. 2015;60(14):5471.
  2. Kazdal S, Dogan B, Camurcu AY, editors. Computer-aided detection of brain tumors using image processing techniques. Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2015 23th; 2015: IEEE.
  3. Gupta A, Martens O, Le Moullec Y, Saar T, editors. A tool for lung nodules analysis based on segmentation and morphological operation. Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP), 2015 IEEE 9th International Symposium on; 2015: IEEE.
  4. Benninghoff H, Garcke H. Segmentation of Three-dimensional Images with Parametric Active Surfaces and Topology Changes. arXiv preprint arXiv:150607136. 2015.
  5. Zabala-Travers S, Choi M, Cheng W-C, Badano A. Effect of color visualization and display hardware on the visual assessment of pseudocolor medical images. Medical Physics. 2015;42(6):2942-54.
  7. Grove O, Berglund AE, Schabath MB, Aerts HJ, Dekker A, Wang H, Velazquez ER, Lambin P, Gu Y, Balagurunathan Y. Quantitative Computed Tomographic Descriptors Associate Tumor Shape Complexity and Intratumor Heterogeneity with Prognosis in Lung Adenocarcinoma. PloS one. 2015;10(3).
  8. Buerger C, Sénégas J, Kabus S, Carolus H, Schulz H, Agarwal H, Turkbey B, Choyke P, Renisch S. Comparing nonrigid registration techniques for motion corrected MR prostate diffusion imaging. Medical physics. 2015;42(1):69-80.
  9. Abedini M, Codella N, Connell J, Garnavi R, Merler M, Pankanti S, Smith J, Syeda-Mahmood T. A generalized framework for medical image classification and recognition. IBM Journal of Research and Development. 2015;59(2/3):1: -: 18.
  10. Blessy SPS, Sulochana CH. Performance analysis of unsupervised optimal fuzzy clustering algorithm for MRI brain tumor segmentation. Technology and Health Care. 2014.
  11. ElNawasany AM, Ali AF, Waheed ME. A Novel Hybrid Perceptron Neural Network Algorithm for Classifying Breast MRI Tumors.  Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications: Springer; 2014. p. 357-66.
  12. Hong S, Huang Y, Cao Y, Chen X, Han J-DJ. Approaches to uncovering cancer diagnostic and prognostic molecular signatures. Molecular & Cellular Oncology. 2014.
  13. Codella N, Connell J, Pankanti S, Merler M, and Smith JR. Automated Medical Image Modality Recognition by Fusion of Visual and Text Information. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. 2014, Springer. 487-495. (link)
  14. Ertugrul OF. Adaptive Texture Energy Measure Method. International Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. 2014. 3(2):13-18. doi:10.11648/j.ijiis.20140302.11 (link)
  15. Kawa J, Juszczyk J, Pyciński B, Badura P, Pietka E. Radiological Atlas for Patient Specific Model Generation. Information Technologies in Biomedicine, 2014 4:69-82. 10.1007/978-3-319-06596-0_7. (link)
  16. Kowalik-Urbaniak I, Brunet D, Wang J, Koff D, Smolarski-Koff N, Vrscay ER, Wallace B, Wang Z.The quest for ‘diagnostically lossless’ medical image compression: a comparative study of objective quality metrics for compressed medical images. SPIE Medical Imaging. 2014. Vol. 9073. International Society for Optics and Photonics. doi:10.1117/12.2043196 (link)
  17. Naresh P and Shettar R. Image Processing and Classification Techniques for Early Detection of Lung Cancer for Preventive Health Care: A Survey. International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Technology, 2014. 11:595-601 (link)
  18. Patel NP, Parmar SK, and Jain KR. Swift Pre Rendering Volumetric Visualization of Magnetic Resonance Cardiac Images based on Isosurface Technique. Procedia Technology, 2014. 14:422-429. DOI: 10.1016/j.protcy.2014.08.054 (link)
  19. Roy S, Brown MS, and Shih GL. Visual Interpretation with Three-Dimensional Annotations (VITA): Three-Dimensional Image Interpretation Tool for Radiological Reporting. Journal of Digital Imaging, 2014. 27(1):49-57. doi: 10.1007/s10278-013-9624-5 (link)
  20. Roth HR, Lu L, Seff A, Cherry KM, Hoffman J, Wang S, Liu J, Turkbey E, Summers RM. A new 2.5 D representation for lymph node detection using random sets of deep convolutional neural network observations.  Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2014: Springer; 2014. p. 520-7.

  21. Sivakumar S, and Chandrasekar C. A Study on Image Denoising for Lung CT Scan Images.International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computational and Applied Sciences, 2014. 7(1):86-91 (link)
  22. Seff A, Lu L, Cherry KM, Roth HR, Liu J, Wang S, Hoffman J, Turkbey EB, Summers RM. 2d view aggregation for lymph node detection using a shallow hierarchy of linear classifiers.  Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2014: Springer; 2014. p. 544-52.

  23. Harmon S, Wendelberger B, and Jeraj R. SU-E-J-98: Radiogenomics: Correspondence Between Imaging and Genetic Features Based On Clustering Analysis. Medical Physics, 2014. 41(6): p. 178-178. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1118/1.4888150 (link)
  24. Krishnakumar V. and Parthiban L. Performance Analysis of Denoising in MR Images with Double Density Dual Tree Complex Wavelets, Curvelets and NonSubsampled Contourlet Transforms. Annual Review & Research in Biology, 2014. 4(19):2938-2956. doi:10.9734/ARRB/2014/9131#sthash.qFePVdL1.dpuf (link)
  25. Codella N, Merler M. IBM TJ Watson Research Center. Semantic Model Vector for ImageCLEF2013. June 18, 2014. (link)
  26. Agostinelli F, Anderson MR, and Lee H. Adaptive Multi-Column Deep Neural Networks with Application to Robust Image Denoising. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2013. (link)
  27. Agostinelli F, Anderson MR, Lee H, editors. Robust Image Denoising with Multi-Column Deep Neural Networks. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems; 2013.

  28. Breseman K, Lee C, Bloch BN, and Jaffe C. Constructing 3D-Printable CAD Models of Prostates from MR Images. Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC),
    39th Annual Northeast , IEEE, 27-28. 5-7 April 2013. doi:10.1109/NEBEC.2013.8
  29. Buckler A, Liu TT, Savig E, Suzek BE, Rubin DL, and Paik D. Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Ontology (QIBO) for Knowledge Representation of Biomedical Imaging Biomarkers. Journal of Digital Imaging, 2013. 26(4):630-641. doi:10.1007/s10278-013-9599-2 (link)
  30. Heyns M, Breseman K, Lee C, Bloch BN, Jaffe C, and Xiang H. Design of a Patient-Specific Radiotherapy Treatment Target. Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), 2013 39th Annual Northeast. 2013.171-172. IEEE.doi:10.1109/NEBEC.2013.75
  31. Kumar A, Kim J, Cai W, Fulham M, and Feng D. Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval: A Survey of Applications to Multidimensional and Multimodality Data. Journal of Digital Imaging, 2013. 26(6):1025-1039. doi: 10.1007/s10278-013-9619-2.(link)
  32. Lundström C. vPSNR: a visualization-aware image fidelity metric tailored for diagnostic imaging. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2013. 8(3):437-450. doi: 10.1007/s11548-012-0792-4 (link)
  33. Olmedo I, Guerra Perez Y, Johnson JF, Raut L, Hoe DHK. Image segmentation on GPGPUs: a cellular automata-based approach. Proceedings of the 2013 Summer Computer Simulation Conference. Society for Modeling & Simulation International. 2013. 51. (link)
  34. Pambrun JF, Noumeir R. Compressibility variations of JPEG2000 compressed computed tomography. Conference Proceedings, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2013:3375-3378. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2013.6610265 (link)
  35. Roozgard A, Barzigar N, Verma P, and Cheng S. 3D medical image denoising using 3D block matching and low-rank matrix completion. Signals, Systems and Computers, Asilomar Conference, 3-6 Nov. 2013, 253 – 257 IEEE. doi:10.1109/ACSSC.2013.6810271
  36. Yankeelov TE, Atuegwu N, Hormuth D, et al. Clinically Relevant Modeling of Tumor Growth and Treatment Response. Sci Transl Med. 2013 May 29;5(187):187ps9 doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3005686 (link)
  37. Huang L-C, Tseng L-Y, Hwang M-S. A reversible data hiding method by histogram shifting in high quality medical images. Journal of Systems and Software. 2013;86(3):716-27. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2012.11.024.
  38. Huang LC, Yseng LY, Hwang MS. A reversible data hiding method by histogram shifting in high quality medical images. Journal of Systems and Software 2013 March;86(3):716-27 doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2012.11.024 (link)
  39. Pheng HS and Shamsuddin SM. Texture classification of lung computed tomography images. 2012 International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing. 2013. Vol. 8768. International Society for Optics and Photonics. doi:10.1117/12.2011108 (link)
  40. Barzigar N, Roozgard A, Verma P, Cheng S. Removing Mixture Noise from Medical Images Using Block Matching Filtering and Low-Rank Matrix Completion. Healthcare Informatics, Imaging and Systems Biology, IEEE International Conference. 2012.134. doi:10.1109/HISB.2012.59 (link)
  41. Otake Y, Schafer S, Stayman JW, Zbijewski W, Kleinszig G, Graumann R, Khanna AJ, Siewerdsen JH. Automatic localization of target vertebrae in spine surgery using fast CT-to-fluoroscopy (3D-2D) image registration. SPIE Medical Imaging, 2012. Volume: 8316. International Society for Optics and Photonics. doi:10.1117/12.911308 (link)
  42. Roozgard A, Cheng AS, Liu H. Malignant nodule detection on lung ct scan images with kernel rx-algorithm. Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), 2012 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on 5-7 Jan. 2012 499 – 502. IEEE. doi: 10.1109/BHI.2012.6211627.
  43. Biancardi AM, Jirapatnakul AC, Reeves AP. A comparison of ground truth estimation methods. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2010. 5(3):295-305. DOI: 10.1007/s11548-009-0401-3 (link)
  44. Soysal OM, Chen P, Schneider H. An Image Processing Tool for Efficient Feature Extraction in Computer-Aided Detection Systems. Granular Computing (GrC) IEEE International Conference 2010. 14-16 Aug. 438-442. doi:10.1109/GrC.2010.128
  45. Tseng LY and Huang LC. Automatic fissure detection in CT images based on the genetic algorithm. Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC), International Conference. IEEE. 2010. 5: 2583 – 2588. DOI:10.1109/ICMLC.2010.5580871
  46. Kumar, D., A. Wong, et al. (2015). Lung Nodule Classification Using Deep Features in CT Images. Computer and Robot Vision (CRV), 2015 12th Conference on, IEEE.

  47. Kanas, V. G., E. I. Zacharaki, et al. (2015). "A low cost approach for brain tumor segmentation based on intensity modeling and 3D Random Walker." Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 22: 19-30.

  48. Magdy, E., N. Zayed, et al. (2015). "Automatic Classification of Normal and Cancer Lung CT Images Using Multiscale AM-FM Features." International Journal of Biomedical Imaging 2015.

  49. Zayed, N. and H. A. Elnemr (2015). "Statistical Analysis of Haralick Texture Features to Discriminate Lung Abnormalities." International Journal of Biomedical Imaging 2015.

  50. Chaddad, A. and C. Tanougast "High-Throughput Quantification of Phenotype Heterogeneity Using Statistical Features."

Radiation Oncology

  1. Jaffray D, Chung C, Coolens C, Foltz W, Keller H, Menard C, Milosevic M, Publicover J, Yeung I, editors. Quantitative imaging in radiation oncology: An emerging science and clinical service. Seminars in Radiation Oncology; 2015: Elsevier.


  1. Albalooshi FA. Self-organizing Approach to Learn a Level-set Function for Object Segmentation in Complex Background Environments. University of Dayton; 2015. (link to thesis)

  2. Nabizadeh N. Automated Brain Lesion Detection and Segmentation Using Magnetic Resonance Images. Miami, FL: University of Miami; 2015. (link to thesis)

  3. Camlica Z. Image Area Reduction for Efficient Medical Image Retrieval. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,: University of Waterloo; 2015. (link to thesis)

  4. Hunter L. Radiomics of NSCLC: Quantitative CT Image Feature Characterization and Tumor Shrinkage Prediction. Thesis, University of Texas; 2013.  (link to thesis)
  5. Karnayana PM. Radiogenomic correlation for prognosis in patients with glioblastoma multiformae. San Diego State University; 2013. (link to thesis)

  6. Nabizadeh, N. Automated Brain Lesion Detection and Segmentation Using Magnetic Resonance Images. Electrical and Computer Engineering. Miami, FL, University of Miami. PhD., 2015. (link to thesis)

  7. Wieser, H.-P.  Supervised Machine Learning Approach Utilizing Artificial Neural Networks for Automated Prostate Zone Segmentation in Abdominal MR images. Klagenfurt, Austria, Fachhochschule Kärnten/Carinthia University of Applied Sciences; 2013.


  1. Aerts HJ, Velazquez ER, et al. (2014). Decoding tumour phenotype by noninvasive imaging using a quantitative radiomics approach. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)
  2. Armato SG and Drukker K, et al. (2015). SPIE-AAPM-NCI Lung Nodule Classification Challenge Dataset. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)
  3. Colen RR, Wang J, et al. (2014). Glioblastoma: Imaging Genomic Mapping Reveals Sex-specific Oncogenic Associations of Cell Death. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)
  4. Gevaert O, Mitchell LA, et al. (2014). Glioblastoma multiforme: exploratory radiogenomic analysis by using quantitative image features. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)

  5. Gevaert O, Xu J, et al. (2014). Non-small cell lung cancer: identifying prognostic imaging biomarkers by leveraging public gene expression microarray data--methods and preliminary results. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)
  6. Grove O, Berglund AE, et al. (2015). Data from: Quantitative computed tomographic descriptors associate tumor shape complexity and intratumor heterogeneity with prognosis in lung adenocarcinoma. TCIA. Saint Louis. MO. (link)
  7. Gutman DA, Cooper LA, et al. (2014). MR Imaging Predictors of Molecular Profile and Survival: Multi-institutional Study of the TCGA Glioblastoma Data Set. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)

  8. Huang W, Li X, et al. (2014). Variations of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of breast cancer therapy response: a multicenter data analysis challenge. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)

  9. Jain R, Poisson LM, et al. (2014). Outcome Prediction in Patients with Glioblastoma by Using Imaging, Clinical, and Genomic Biomarkers: Focus on the Nonenhancing Component of the Tumor. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)

  10. Kalpathy-Cramer J, Napel S, et al. (2015). QIN multi-site collection of Lung CT data with Nodule Segmentations. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)

  11. Lee J, Narang S, et al. (2015). Spatial Habitat Features derived from Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging data from Glioblastoma Multiforme cases. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)
  12. Mazurowski MA, Zhang J, et al. (2014). Radiogenomic Analysis of Breast Cancer: Luminal B Molecular Subtype Is Associated with Enhancement Dynamics at MR Imaging. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)
  13. Messay T, Hardie RC, et al. (2014). Segmentation of Pulmonary Nodules in Computed Tomography Using a Regression Neural Network Approach and its Application to the Lung Image Database Consortium and Image Database Resource Initiative Dataset. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)

  14. Morris E, Burnside M, et al. (2014). TCGA Breast Phenotype Research Group Data sets. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO (link)
  15. Bloch N, Rusu M, et al. (2015) NCI-ISBI 2013 Challenge: Automated Segmentation of Prostate Structures. TCIA. St. Louis, MO. (link)
  16. Roth H, Lu L, et al. (2015). A new 2.5D representation for lymph node detection in CT. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)

  17. Shinagare AB, Vikram R, et al. (2015). Radiogenomics of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma: Preliminary Findings of The Cancer Genome Atlas-Renal Cell Carcinoma (TCGA-RCC) Research Group. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)

  18. Vallières M, Freeman CR, et al. (2015). Data from: A radiomics model from joint FDG-PET and MRI texture features for the prediction of lung metastases in soft-tissue sarcomas of the extremities. TCIA. Saint Louis, MO. (link)


  1. Clarke, L. P., R. J. Nordstrom, et al. (2014). "The Quantitative Imaging Network: NCI's Historical Perspective and Planned Goals." Translational Oncology 7(1): 1-4. (link)

  2. Huang, W., X. Li, et al. (2014). "Variations of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of breast cancer therapy response: a multicenter data analysis challenge." Transl Oncol 7(1): 153-166.

  3. Kalpathy-Cramer, J., J. B. Freymann, et al. (2014). "Quantitative Imaging Network: Data Sharing and Competitive AlgorithmValidation Leveraging The Cancer Imaging Archive." Translational oncology 7(1): 147-152.

  4. Levy, M. A., J. B. Freymann, et al. (2012). "Informatics methods to enable sharing of quantitative imaging research data." Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Publications relating to specific data collections:

Collection:  CT Colonography

  1. Gayathri Devi K, Radhakrishnan R. Automatic Segmentation of Colon in 3D CT Images and Removal of Opacified Fluid Using Cascade Feed Forward Neural Network. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. 2015;2015.
  2. Namías R, et al., Automatic rectum limit detection by anatomical markers correlation. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2014. 38(4):245-250.(link)
  3. Boone DJ, Halligan S, Roth HR, et al., CT Colonography: External Clinical Validation of an Algorithm for Computer-assisted Prone and Supine Registration. Radiology, 2013. 268(3):752-760.(link)
  4. Roth HR, et al., External clinical validation of prone and supine CT colonography registration in Abdominal Imaging. Computational and Clinical Applications 2012, Springer. 7601:10-19.(link)

Collection:  LIDC-IDRI

  1. Wang W, Luo J, Yang X, Lin H. Data Analysis of the Lung Imaging Database Consortium and Image Database Resource Initiative. Academic Radiology. 2015.
  2. Shen S, Bui AA, Cong J, Hsu W. An automated lung segmentation approach using bidirectional chain codes to improve nodule detection accuracy. Computers in biology and medicine. 2015;57:139-49.
  3. Messay T, Hardie RC, Tuinstra TR. Segmentation of Pulmonary Nodules in Computed Tomography Using a Regression Neural Network Approach and its Application to the Lung Image Database Consortium and Image Database Resource Initiative Dataset. Medical Image Analysis. 2015.(paper)
  4. Gavrielides MA, Zeng R, Myers KJ, Sahiner B, Petrick N. Benefit of overlapping reconstruction for improving the quantitative assessment of CT lung nodule volume. Academic Radiology, 2013. 20(2):173-180. doi: 10.1016/j.acra.2012.08.014. (link)
  5. Aggarwal P, Vig R, and Sardana H Patient-Wise Versus Nodule-Wise Classification of Annotated Pulmonary Nodules using Pathologically Confirmed Cases. Journal of Computers, 2013. 8(9):2245-2255. (link)
  6. Sivakumar S and Chandrasekar C, Lung nodule detection using fuzzy clustering and support vector machines. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2013. 5(1):179-185.(link)
  7. Armato S, et al., Collaborative projects. Int J CARS, 2012. 7(1):S111-S115.
  8. Sivakumar S and Chandrasekar C, Lungs image segmentation through weighted FCM.Recent Advances in Computing and Software Systems (RACSS), 2012 International Conference. 25-27 April 2012 pages 109-113. IEEE. doi:10.1109/RACSS.2012.6212707 (link)
  9. Armato III SG, McLennan G, Bidaut L, McNitt-Gray MF, Meyer CR, Reeves AP, Zhao B, Aberle DR, Henschke CI, Hoffman EA, Kazerooni EA, MacMahon H, van Beek EJR, Yankelevitz D, et al.:The Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) and Image Database Resource Initiative (IDRI): A completed reference database of lung nodules on CT scans.Medical Physics, 38: 915–931, 2011. (link)
  10. Diciotti S, Lombardo S, Falchini M, Picozzi G, Mascalchi M. Automated segmentation refinement of small lung nodules in CT scans by local shape analysis. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions. 2011. 58(12):3418-3428. doi: 10.1109/TBME.2011.2167621. (link)
  11. Kumar, D., M. J. Shafiee, et al. (2015). "Discovery Radiomics for Computed Tomography Cancer Detection." arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.00117.

  12. Sivakumar, S. and C. Chandrasekar (2015). "A Novel Noise Removal Method for Lung CT SCAN Images Using Statistical Filtering Techniques." International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis 1(1).

  13. Magdy, E., N. Zayed, et al. "Automatic Classification of Normal and Cancer Lung CT Images using Multi-scale AM-FM."

  14. Demir, Ö. and A. Yılmaz Çamurcu (2015). "Computer-aided detection of lung nodules using outer surface features." Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 26(s1): 1213-1222.

  15. Kumar, A., F. Nette, et al. (2014). "A Visual Analytics Approach using the Exploration of Multi-Dimensional Feature Spaces for Content-based Medical Image Retrieval."

Collection:  NLST

Collection:  Phantom FDA

  1. Peskin AP, Dima AA, Saiprasad G. An Automated Method for Locating Phantom modules in Anthropomorphic Thoracic Phantom CT Studies. The 2012 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition. 2012.(link)
  2. Gavrielides MA, Kinnard LM, Myers KJ ,Peregoy J, Pritchard WF, Zeng R, Esparza J, Karanian J, Petrick N, A resource for the assessment of lung nodule size estimation methods: database of thoracic CT scans of an anthropomorphic phantom, Optics Express , vol. 18, n.14, pp. 15244-15255, 2010. (link)

Collection:  Quantitative Imaging Network (QIN)

  1. Kalpathy-Cramer J, Freymann JB, Kirby JS, et al. Quantitative Imaging Network: Data Sharing and Competitive Algorithm Validation Leveraging The Cancer Imaging Archive Translational Oncology. 2014 Feb;7(1):147-52. doi: 10.1593/tlo.13862. (link)
  2. Huang W, Li X, Chen Y, Li X, Chang MC, Oborski MJ, Malyarenko DI, Muzi M, Jajamovich GH, Fedorov A, Tudorica A, Gupta SN, Laymon CM, Marro KI, Dyvorne HA, Miller JV, Barbodiak DP, Chenevert TL, Yankeelov TE, Mountz JM, Kinahan PE, Kikinis R, Taouli B, Fennessy F, Kalpahthy-Cramer J. Variations of dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in evaluation of breast cancer therapy response: a multicenter data analysis challenge. Translational Oncology. 2014 Feb;7(1):153-66. (link)
  3. Clarke LP, Nordstrom RJ, Zhang H, Tandon P, et al. The Quantitative Imaging Network: NCI’s Historical Perspective and Planned Goals Translational Oncology. 2014 Feb;7(1):1-4. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1593/tlo.13832. (link)
  4. Levy MA, Freymann JB, Kirby JS, Fedorov A, Fennessy FM, Eschrich SA, Berglund AE, Fenstermacher DA, Tan Y, Guo X, Casavant TL, Brown BJ, Braun TA, Dekker A, Roelofs E, Mountz JM, Boada F, Laymon C, Oborski M, Rubin DL. Informatics methods to enable sharing of quantitative imaging research data. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2012 Nov;30(9):1249-56. doi: 10.1016/j.mri.2012.04.007. Epub 2012 Jul 6. (link)

Collection:  QIN Prostate

  1. Fedorov A, Fluckiger J, Ayers GD, Li X, Gupta SN, Tempany C, Mulkern R, Yankeelov TE, Fennessy FM. A comparison of two methods for estimating DCE-MRI parameters via individual and cohort based AIFs in prostate cancer: A step towards practical implementation. Magnetic resonance imaging. 2014;32(4):321-9.
  2. Hegde JV, Mulkern RV, Panych LP, Fennessy FM, Fedorov A, Maier SE, Tempany C. Multiparametric MRI of prostate cancer: An update on state‐of‐the‐art techniques and their performance in detecting and localizing prostate cancer. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2013;37(5):1035-54.
  3. Benalcázar, M. E., M. Brun, et al. (2015). Automatic Design of Window Operators for the Segmentation of the Prostate Gland in Magnetic Resonance Images. VI Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering CLAIB 2014, Paraná, Argentina 29, 30 & 31 October 2014, Springer.
  4. Li, A., C. Li, et al. (2013). Automated Segmentation of Prostate MR Images Using Prior Knowledge Enhanced Random Walker. Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), 2013 International Conference on, IEEE.

  5. Qiu, W., J. Yuan, et al. (2014). "Prostate segmentation: An efficient convex optimization approach with axial symmetry using 3-D TRUS and MR images." Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on 33(4): 947-960.

  6. Xie, Q. and D. Ruan (2014). "Low-complexity atlas-based prostate segmentation by combining global, regional, and local metrics." Medical physics 41(4): 041909.

  7. Zhao, T. and D. Ruan (2015). Two-stage fusion set selection in multi-atlas-based image segmentation. Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2015 IEEE 12th International Symposium on, IEEE.

Collection:  QIN Sarcoma

  1. Meyer JM, Perlewitz KS, Hayden JB, Doung Y-C, Hung AY, Vetto JT, Pommier RF, Mansoor A, Beckett BR, Tudorica A. Phase I trial of preoperative chemoradiation plus sorafenib for high-risk extremity soft tissue sarcomas with dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI correlates. Clinical Cancer Research. 2013;19(24):6902-11.

Collection:  RIDER Collections

  1. Melouah A. Comparison of Automatic Seed Generation Methods for Breast Tumor Detection Using Region Growing Technique.  Computer Science and Its Applications: Springer; 2015. p. 119-28.
  2. Aerts HJ, Velazquez ER, Leijenaar RTH, Parmar C, et al. Decoding tumour phenotype by noninvasive imaging using a quantitative radiomics approach. Nature Communications, 2014. 5(4006). doi:10.1038/ncomms5006(link)
  3. Balagurunathan Y, Kumar V, Gu Y, Kim J, Wang H, Liu Y, Goldgof DB, Hall LO, Korn R, Zhao B. Test–Retest Reproducibility Analysis of Lung CT Image Features. Journal of digital imaging. 2014:1-19.
  4. Meyer CR, Armato SG III, Fenimore CP, McLennan G, Bidaut LM, Barboriak DP, Gavrielides MA, Jackson EF, McNitt-Gray MF, Kinahan PE, Petrick N, Zhao B. Quantitative imaging to assess tumor response to therapy: Common themes of measurement, truth data and error sources. Translational Oncology 2: 198–210, 2009. (link)
  5. McNitt-Gray MF, Bidaut LM, Armato SG III, Meyer CR, Gavrielides MA, Fenimore CP, McLennan G, Petrick N, Zhao B, Reeves AP, Beichel R, Kim H-J, Kinnard L. CT assessment of response to therapy: Tumor volume change measurement, truth data and error. Translational Oncology2009. 2:216–222. (link)
  6. Kinahan PE, Doot RK, Wanner-Roybal M, Bidaut LM, Armato SG III, Meyer CR, McLennan G.PET/CT assessment of response to therapy: Tumor change measurement, truth data and error. Translational Oncology 2:223–230, 2009. (link)
  7. Jackson EF, Barboriak DP, Bidaut LM, Meyer CR. Magnetic resonance assessment of response to therapy: tumor change measurement, truth data and error sources.Translational Oncology 2009 Dec;2(4):211-5. PubMed PMID: 19956380; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2781079. (link)
  8. Armato SG 3rd, Meyer CR, Mcnitt-Gray MF, McLennan G, Reeves AP, Croft BY, Clarke LP;RIDER Research Group. The Reference Image Database to Evaluate Response to therapy in lung cancer (RIDER) project: a resource for the development of change-analysis software.Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2008 Oct;84(4):448-56. PubMed PMID: 18754000. (link)
  9. Melouah, A. (2015). Comparison of Automatic Seed Generation Methods for Breast Tumor Detection Using Region Growing Technique. Computer Science and Its Applications, Springer: 119-128.

Collection:  TCGA-BRCA

  1. Mazurowski MA, Zhang J, Grimm LJ, Yoon SC, Silber JI. Radiogenomic Analysis of Breast Cancer: Luminal B Molecular Subtype Is Associated with Enhancement Dynamics at MR Imaging. Radiology, 2014. doi: 10.1148/radiol.14132641 (link)
  2. Lavasani, S. N., A. F. Kazerooni, et al. (2015). "Discrimination of Benign and Malignant Suspicious BreastTumors Based on Semi-Quantitative DCE-MRI ParametersEmploying Support Vector Machine." Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies 2(2): 397-403.

  3. Anand, S., V. Vinod, et al. "Application of Fuzzy c-means and Neural networks to categorize tumor affected breast MR Images." International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 10(64): 2015.

  4. Guo, W., H. Li, et al. (2015). "Prediction of clinical phenotypes in invasive breast carcinomas from the integration of radiomics and genomics data." Journal of Medical Imaging 2(4): 041007-041007.

Collection:  TCGA-GBM

  1. Reza SM, Mays R, Iftekharuddin KM, editors. Multi-fractal detrended texture feature for brain tumor classification. SPIE Medical Imaging; 2015: International Society for Optics and Photonics.

  2. Nabizadeh N, Kubat M. Brain tumors detection and segmentation in MR images: Gabor wavelet vs. statistical features. Computers & Electrical Engineering. 2015.

  3. Natteshan N, Jothi JAA. Automatic Classification of Brain MRI Images Using SVM and Neural Network Classifiers.  Advances in Intelligent Informatics: Springer; 2015. p. 19-30. (link)

  4. Zhang J, Barboriak DP, Hobbs H, Mazurowski MA. A fully automatic extraction of magnetic resonance image features in Glioblastoma patients. Medical physics. 2014;41(4):042301.

  5. Wangaryattawanich P, Wang J, Thomas GA, Chaddad A, Zinn PO, Colen RR, editors. Survival analysis of pre-operative GBM patients by using quantitative image features. Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2014 International Conference on; 2014: IEEE.

  6. Colen RR, Wang J, Singh SK, Gutman DA, Zinn PO. Glioblastoma: Imaging Genomic Mapping Reveals Sex-specific Oncogenic Associations of Cell Death. Radiology. 2014.

  7. Colen RR, Vangel M, Wang J, Gutman DA, Hwang SN, Wintermark M, Rajan J, Jilwan-Nicola M, Chen JY, Raghavan P, Holder CA, Rubin D, Huang E, Kirby J, Freymann J, Jaffee CC, Flanders A, Zinn PO. Imaging genomic mapping of an invasive MRI phenotype predicts patient outcome and metabolic dysfunction: a TCGA glioma phenotype research group project.BMC Medical Genomics, 2014. 7(1):30. doi:10.1186/1755-8794-7-30 (link)
  8. Gevaert O, Mitchell LA, Achrol AS, Xu J, Echegaray S, Steinberg GK, Chesier SH, Napel S, Zaharchuk G, Plevritis SK. Glioblastoma Multiforme: Exploratory Radiogenomic Analysis by Using Quantitative Image Features. Radiology, 2014. doi: 10.1148/radiol.14131731 (link)
  9. Mazurowski MA, Zhang J, Peters KB, and Hobbs H. Computer-extracted MR imaging features are associated with survival in glioblastoma patients. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 2014 Aug 24 [Epub ahead of print] doi: 10.1007/s11060-014-1580-5 (link)
  10. Jain R, Poisson L, Gutman D, Scarpace L, Hwang SN, Holder C, Wintermark M, Colen RR, Kirby J, Freymann J, Jaffe C, Mikkelsen T, Flanders A. Outcome Prediction in Patients with Glioblastoma by Using Imaging, Clinical, and Genomic Biomarkers: Focus on the Nonenhancing Component of the Tumor. Radiology. 2014 Aug;272(2):484-93. doi: 10.1148/radiol.14131691. Epub 2014 Mar 19. 2014 (link)
  11. Nicolasjilwan M, Hu Y, Yan C, Meerzaman D, Holder CA, Gutman D, et al. Addition of MR imaging features and genetic biomarkers strengthens glioblastoma survival prediction in TCGA patients. Journal of Neuroradiology, July 2014. doi: 10.1016/j.neurad.2014.02.006

  14. Kwon D, Shinohara RT, Akbari H, Davatzikos C. Combining Generative Models for Multifocal Glioma Segmentation and Registration.  Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2014: Springer; 2014. p. 763-70.

  17. Gutman DA, Cooper LAD, Hwang SN, Holder CA, Gao J, Aurora TD, Dunn WD, Scarpace L, Mikkelsen T, Jain R, Wintermark M, Jilwan M, Raghavan P, Huang E, Clifford RJ, Monqkolwat P, Kleper V, Freymann J, Kirby J, Zinn PO, Moreno CS, Jaffe C, Colen R, Rubin DL, Saltz J, Flanders A, Brat DJ. MR Imaging Predictors of Molecular Profile and Survival: Multi-institutional Study of the TCGA Glioblastoma Data Set. Radiology. 2013 May:267(2):560-569,doi:10.1148/radiol.13120118 (link)
  18. Jain R, Poisson L, Narang J, Gutman D, Scarpace L, Hwang SN, Holder C, Wintermark M, Colen RR, Kirby J, Freymann J, Brat DJ, Jaffe C, Mikkelsen T. Genomic Mapping and Survival Prediction in Glioblastoma: Molecular Subclassification Strengthened by Hemodynamic Imaging Biomarkers. Radiology, 2013 Apr:267(1):212 –220, doi:10.1148/radiol.12120846 (link)
  19. Mazurowski MA, Desjardins A, Malof JM. Imaging descriptors improve the predictive power of survival models for glioblastoma patients. Neuro-oncology, 2013. 15(10):1389-1394 (link)
  20. Zinn PO, Colen RR. Imaging Genomic Mapping in Glioblastoma. Neurosurgery 60:126-130. Aug 2013 (link)
  21. Jain R, Poisson L, Narang J, Scarpace L, Rosenblum ML, Rempel S, Mikkelson T. Correlation of Perfusion Parameters with Genes Related to Angiogenesis Regulation in Glioblastoma: A Feasibility Study. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2012. 33(7):1343-1348 [Epub ahead of print] (link)
  22. Zinn PO, Sathyan P, Mahajan B, Bruyere J, Hegi M, et al. (2012) A Novel Volume-Age-KPS (VAK) Glioblastoma Classification Identifies a Prognostic Cognate microRNA-Gene Signature. PLoS ONE, 2012 7(8): e41522. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041522 (link)
  23. Zinn PO, Majadan B, Sathyan P, Singh SK, Majumder S, et al. 2011Radiogenomic Mapping of Edema/Cellular Invasion MRI-Phenotypes in Glioblastoma Multiforme. PLoS ONE, 2011 6(10): e25451. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0025451 (link)
  24. Wangaryattawanich, P., M. Hatami, et al. (2015). "Multicenter imaging outcomes study of The Cancer Genome Atlas glioblastoma patient cohort: imaging predictors of overall and progression-free survival." Neuro-oncology: nov117.

  25. Kuo, J. S., K. B. Pointer, et al. (2015). "139 Human Ether-a-Go-Go-Related-1 Gene (hERG) K+ Channel as a Prognostic Marker and Therapeutic Target for Glioblastoma." Neurosurgery 62: 210-211.

  26. Zinn, P. O., M. Hatami, et al. (2015). "138 Diffusion MRI ADC Mapping of Glioblastoma Edema/Tumor Invasion and Associated Gene Signatures." Neurosurgery 62: 210.

  27. Steed, T., J. Treiber, et al. (2015). "Iterative Probabilistic Voxel Labeling: Automated Segmentation for Analysis of The Cancer Imaging Archive Glioblastoma Images." American Journal of Neuroradiology 36(4): 678-685.

  28. Lee, J., S. Narang, et al. (2015). "Associating spatial diversity features of radiologically defined tumor habitats with epidermal growth factor receptor driver status and 12-month survival in glioblastoma: methods and preliminary investigation." Journal of Medical Imaging 2(4): 041006-041006.

  29. Itakura, H., A. S. Achrol, et al. (2015). "Magnetic resonance image features identify glioblastoma phenotypic subtypes with distinct molecular pathway activities." Science Translational Medicine 7(303): 303ra138-303ra138.

  30. Cui, Y., K. K. Tha, et al. (2015). "Prognostic Imaging Biomarkers in Glioblastoma: Development and Independent Validation on the Basis of Multiregion and Quantitative Analysis of MR Images." Radiology: 150358.

  31. Lee, J., S. Narang, et al. (2015). "Spatial Habitat Features Derived from Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data Are Associated with Molecular Subtype and 12-Month Survival Status in Glioblastoma Multiforme." PloS one 10(9): e0136557.

Collection: TCGA-KIRC 

  1. Shinagare AB, Vikram R, Jaffe C, Akin O, Kirby J, Huang E, Freymann J, Sainani NI, Sadow CA, Bathala TK. Radiogenomics of clear cell renal cell carcinoma: preliminary findings of The Cancer Genome Atlas–Renal Cell Carcinoma (TCGA–RCC) Imaging Research Group. Abdominal imaging. 2015:1-9.