
This image collection was created as a companion data set to augment the larger REMBRANDT project. It consists of 130 cases of MR multi-sequence images of pre-surgical brain tumor patients including cases of glioblastoma, astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas from the REMBRANDT patient population.

For scientific inquiries about the VASARI feature set or corresponding analysis please contact Adam Flanders at

Data Access

Imaging Data

You can view and download these images on The Cancer Imaging Archive by logging in to TCIA and selecting the REMBRANDT collection.

Collection Statistics




Number of Patients


Number of Studies


Number of Series


Number of Images


If you are unsure how to download this Collection please view our quick guide on Searching by Collection or refer to our The Cancer Imaging Archive User's Guide for more detailed instructions on using the site.


The patients in TCIA can be matched by subject identifier with the extensive clinical, gene and expression data of the same case available from the REMBRANDT Data Portal (Note: link temporarily out of service) to research the link between radiological phenotype and tissue genotype. In addition to this there are also imaging feature characterizations provided by neuroradiologists from Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. This feature set has become known as "VASARI" and eventually became the starting point for the TCGA Glioma Phenotype Research Group efforts which is utilizing data from the TCGA-GBM and TCGA-LGG collections.