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Image Download APIs

Use the APIs in the following table to download images from TCIA. 

Query Name

Return Values

Output Format

Query Parameters



An object that represents a set of images in a ZIP file based on SeriesInstanceUID.

The naming scheme for the NewFileNames parameter changes from sequential numbers to acquisition number - instance number (in correct order).

API example and return values for getImage


SeriesInstanceUID (R)

NewFileNames (O) - Accepted values are Yes and No.

Used for bulk transfer of all images in a series.


All images in the series and MD5 hash values

API example and return values for getImageWithMD5Hash

ZIPSeriesInstanceUID (R)Used for bulk transfer of images with the ability to check MD5Hash.


A single DICOM Object that is identified by its SeriesInstanceUID and SOPInstanceUID. This API will always be used following the getSOPInstanceUIDs.

API example and return values for getSingleImage

Raw DICOM Object

SeriesInstanceUID (R)

SOPInstanceUID (R)

Used to retrieve a single image.

Image Metadata APIs

Use the APIs in the following table to explore the metadata of objects in the TCIA database. Queries return a file in one of these data formats: CSV, HTML, XML, and JSON. JSON is the default return format if no format parameter is specified.

Query Name

Return Values

Query Parameters


Set of all body part names filtered by query keys

API example and return values for getBodyPartValues

Collection (O)

Modality (O)


Set of all collection names

API example and return values for getCollectionValues



Return the contents of your cart. To get the name of the cart contents, you must add data to your cart in the TCIA Radiology Portal, and then select Share My Cart. An example of the URL that appears is The cart name is what follows the equal sign, so in this example, the cart name is nbia-54241629300063058.

API example and return values for getContentsByName

name (R)

DateReleased (O)


Set of all manufacturer names filtered by query keys

API example and return values for getManufacturerValues

Collection (O)

BodyPartExamined (O)

Modality (O)


Set of all modality values (CT, MR, ...) filtered by query keys

API example and return values for getModalityValues

Collection (O)

BodyPartExamined (O)


Set of patients, in a specified collection, since a specified date

API example and return values for NewPatientsInCollection

Collection (R)

Date (R)


Set of new studies for given patient and collection since a specified date

API example and return values for NewStudiesInPatientCollection

Collection (R)

Date (R)

PatientID (R)


Set of patient objects filtered by query keys

API example and return values for getPatient

Collection (O)


Returns a list of PatientIDs, given a specific Collection Name and Modality

API example and return values for getPatientByCollectionAndModality

Collection (R)

Modality (R)


Set of patient/study objects filtered by query keys

API example and return values for getPatientStudy

Collection (R)

PatientID (O)

StudyInstanceUID (O)


Set of series objects filtered by query keys

API example and return values for getSeries

SeriesInstanceUID (O) 

StudyInstanceUID (O)

Modality (O)

ProtocolName (O)

SeriesDate (O)

SeriesDescription (O)

BodyPartExamined (O

SeriesNumber (O)

AnnotationsFlag (O)

Collection (O)

PatientID (O)

Manufacturer (O)

ManufacturerModelName (O)

SoftwareVersions (O)

ImageCount (O)

TimeStamp (O)

LicenseName (O)

LicenseURI (O)

CollectionURI (O)

FileSize (O)

DateReleased (O)

StudyDesc (O)

StudyDate (O)


All of the metadata for a given SeriesInstanceUID

API example and return values for getSeriesMetaData

SeriesInstanceUID (R)

Collection (O)

3rd Party Analysis Data (O)

Data Description URI (O)

Subject ID (O)

Study UID (O)

Study Description (O)

Study Date (O)

Series Description (O)

Manufacturer (O)

Modality (O)

SOP Class UID (O)

Number of Images (O)

File Size (O)

File Location (O)

Series Number (O)

License Name (O)

License URL (O)

Annotation Size (O)

Date Released (O)

SeriesDate (O)

ProtocolName (O)

BodyPartExamined (O)

AnnotationsFlag (O)

ManufacturerModelName (O)

SoftwareVersions (O)

TimeStamp (O)


Set of total byte size and object count filtered by query key

API example and return values for getSeriesSize

SeriesInstanceUID (R)


A list of SOPInstanceUIDs for a given series using the SeriesInstanceUID

API example and return values for getSOPInstanceUIDs

SeriesInstanceUID (R)


Set of series updated since a specified date

API example and return values for getUpdatedSeries

fromDate (R)

Date Released (O)

Return Values

This section lists and explains the return values of the APIs included in both tables above.
