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Video Tutorials
The Cancer Imaging Archive team participated in the "Public Cancer Imaging Data Repositories for Biomedical Data Science Research" tutorial workshop at the 23rd international conference on Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) on October 8, 2020. The workshop included the following 4 presentations:
Introduction & Publishing New Data on TCIA - John Freymann
Browsing Radiology and Pathology Data - Justin Kirby
Searching/filtering/displaying data - Lawrence Tarbox
Additional tools to access the data - Fred Prior
Accessing TCIA data
Review the following documentation:
- TCIA Radiology Portal User's Guide - An extensive guide documenting all of the features of the TCIA Radiology Portal.
- Data Usage Policies and Restrictions - Guidance on usage restrictions and citation guidelines.
Creating a TCIA Account - Create your TCIA account as the first step in requesting access to Limited data.
Submitting Data to TCIA
- Contribute Data - If you're interested in providing data to host on TCIA please read about the two types of data we accept:
- TCIA HIPAA and PHI Compliance - An overview of the implementation of DICOM de-identification standards (Attribute Confidentiality Profile – DICOM PS 3.15: Appendix E) used by TCIA.
- Quick Start Guide: Using TCIA's CTP based Submission Wizard Software to Submit Images - A quick start guide to installing the Submission Wizard and transmitting images to TCIA.
- How to Submit Histopathology Data to TCIA - A quick start guide for transmitting histopathology images to TCIA.