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  • Multi-center breast DCE-MRI data and segmentations from patients in the I-SPY 1/ACRIN 6657 trials (ISPY1)

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ACRIN 6657 was designed as a prospective study to test MRI for ability to predict response to treatment and risk-of-recurrence in patients with stage 2 or 3 breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT). ACRIN 6657 was conducted as a companion study to CALGB 150007, a correlative science study evaluating tissue-based biomarkers in the setting of neoadjuvant treatment of breast cancer. Collectively, CALGB 150007 and ACRIN 6657 formed the basis of the multicenter Investigation of Serial Studies to Predict Your Therapeutic Response with Imaging and moLecular Analysis (I-SPY TRIAL) breast cancer trial, a study of imaging and tissue-based biomarkers for predicting pathologic complete response (pCR) and recurrence-free survival (RFS).


Tumor diameter measurement and volumetric analysis: Tumor longest diameter (LD) was measured by the site radiologist as the greatest extent of disease on baseline MR images, including intervening areas of non-enhancing tissue. The same measurement direction was used on all subsequent MRI exams. The primary predictor variable, functional tumor volume (FTV) was measured from contrast-enhanced images using the signal enhancement ratio (SER) method. Volumetric analysis, including Quality Control assessment, was performed centrally at the breast MR imaging Breast Imaging Research Program (BIRP) laboratory at University of California at San Francisco (UCSF).


In addition to the complete set of ACRIN 6657 imaging studies ("Level 0" data), curated data sets based on UCSF QC assessment, protocol compliance and data completeness are provided for download in the form of TCIA shared lists. These include:

  • Level 1:    MRI exams for which longest diameter was measured
  • Level 2a:  MRI exams for which volumetric SER is provided
  • Level 3:    MRI exams used for the ACRIN 6657 primary aim analysis

The image data sets are accompanied by Excel files with patient clinical and outcome data.

Level 0: All I-SPY 1 / ACRIN 6657 Dataset

847 MR on-study studies (222 subjects) in UCSF image database.
One patient in the image data collection (I-SPY ID 1079 ) does not appear in the Feb. 2, 2011 I-SPY FINAL LOCKED clinical data set. So no clinical data is available.

Level 1:


 MRI exams for which longest diameter was measured

Studies with MRI measured longest diameter
839 MR studies have LD reported in the I-SPY 1 clinical database
834 MR studies (219 subjects) in UCSF image database with LD


To download: Tools / Search Shared Lists



1 / ACRIN 6657 Data Dictionaries


DICOM data dictionaryDescriptions of all private DICOM attributes used in the derived maps and segmentations generated by the volumetric analysis and QC evaluations and included in the shared image data set
Patient Clinical data dictionarySelected demographic and clinical data fields included with this shared image data set.
Patient Outcome data dictionarySelected outcome fields, including pCR and survival data, included with this shared image data set
