- Each case is ~ 3 to 10MB so you'll need to have ~600MB free on your machine.
- In order to obtain the DICOM images please login to TCIA (or register for a free account).
- Having logged on, go to the left side-bar to click on the link "search shared list".
- The Shared List Name to search for is: "ISBI Prostate Challenge - Training".
- Then click the "Submit" box at the lower right-hand part of the screen.
- Click the blue underlined link titled ISBI Prostate Challenge - Training to open the Shared List.
- For additional help with searching for shared lists please refer to section 3.7.3 in the TCIA User's Guide or contact the TCIA Helpdesk at 314-747-4254 help@cancerimagingarchive.net .
- Next click the blue Download Manager link.
- Be sure to note the Browse box at the top of the next screen to choose a suitable folder location on your machine to receive the downloaded DCM cases.
- Then click the start button at the bottom arrow of the screen picture below to start the download.
- Wait until all of the progress bars reach 100%. A message will appear at the bottom of the Download Manager window indicating when the data is completely finished downloading.
- For additional help with using the Download Manager please refer to section 3.8 in the TCIA User's Guide or contact the TCIA Helpdesk at 314-747-4254 help@cancerimagingarchive.net.
There will be 60 cases, each consisting of 15+ (4 mm thick slices at 3T) or 28+ (3 mm thick at 1.5T) adjacent axial cross-section cuts. Half of them were obtained at 1.5 T (Philips Achieva) with an endo-rectal receiver coil (fromBostonMedicalCenterfrom Boston Medical Center) and the other half at 3T (Siemens TIM) with a surface coil (from Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre [RUNMC],Netherlands). They were acquired as T2-weighted MR axial pulse sequences. Each file contains nearly all DICOM acquisition parameters except tags that specifically identify Private Health Information.
- In order to obtain the DICOM images please login to TCIA (or register for a free account).
- Having logged on, go to the left side-bar to click on search shared list.
- The Shared List Name to search for is: "ISBI Prostate Challenge - Leader Board".
- Then click the Submit box at the lower right-hand part of the screen.
- Click the blue underlined link titled ISBI Prostate Challenge - Leader Board to open the Shared List.
- For additional help with searching for shared lists please refer to section 3.7.3 in the TCIA User's Guide or contact the TCIA Helpdesk at 314-747-4254 help@cancerimagingarchive.net.
- Next click the blue Download Manager link.
- Be sure to note the Browse box at the top of the next screen to choose a suitable folder location on your machine to receive the downloaded DCM cases.
- Then click the start button at the bottom arrow of the screen picture below to start the download.
- Wait until all of the progress bars reach 100%. A message will appear at the bottom of the Download Manager window indicating when the data is completely finished downloading.
- For additional help with using the Download Manager please refer to section 3.8 in the TCIA User's Guide or contact the TCIA Helpdesk at 314-747-4254Helpdesk at help@cancerimagingarchive.net.
Please note that no NRRD segmentations will be available for download for these leaderboard cases until after the conclusion of the challenge.
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