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A Multicenter Trial of FDG-PET/CT Staging of Head and Neck Cancer and its Impact on the N0 Neck Surgical Treatment in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. The objective of this study was to determine the negative predictive value (NPV) of positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography CT for clinically N0 neck based upon pathologic sampling of the neck lymph nodes and to determine PET/CT’s potential to change treatment of the N0 neck.




Primary Aim Findings:[18F]fluorodeoxyglucose-PET/CT has high NPV for the N0 neck in T2 to T4 HNSCC. The surgical treatment plans on the basis of PET/CT findings may be changed in approximately 22% of this group. These findings suggest that [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose-PET/CT may assist the clinician in deciding on the best therapy for the clinically N0 neck in HNSCC. Well-designed clinical trials should be performed to test the outcome of omitting neck dissection by using PET/CT.

Study Design Summary: People with newly diagnosed head and neck squamous cell carcinoma being considered for surgical resection, with at least one side of the neck planned for dissection clinically N0, and at risk for occult metastasis (when risk based on clinical data is felt to be greater than 30%). A total of 287 participants were prospectively enrolled from 23 American College of Radiology Imaging Network-qualified institutions. PET/CT was compared with findings at neck dissection.


This shared data set was provided in collaboration with the American College of Radiology. Many thanks are due to the ACRIN 6685 trial team, and all the patients participating in the study.

Please see QIN ECOG-ACRIN Data Sharing page for an overview and list of other ECOG-ACRIN data collections available on TCIA.

Localtab Group

titleData Access

Data Access

This is a limited access data set and is only available to members of NCI's Quantitative Imaging Network (QIN) with an anticipated public release of 2/XX/2021. If you are a member of the QIN and would like to request access, please submit a CCP proposal to the QIN Coordinating Committee. Once access is granted, click the Download button to save a ".tcia" manifest file to your computer, which you must open with the NBIA Data Retriever. Click the Search button to open our Data Portal, where you can browse the data collection and/or download a subset of its contents.

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Images (DICOM, XX.X GB)

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Clinical Data (XLS, zip)

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titleDetailed Description

Detailed Description

Image Statistics



Number of Patients


Number of Studies


Number of Series


Number of Images


Images Size (GB)*
  • Estimated, official numbers provided once data is available.

Participant Eligibility and Enrollment:

People with newly diagnosed head and neck squamous cell carcinoma being considered for surgical resection, with at least one side of the neck planned for dissection clinically N0, and at risk for occult metastasis (when risk based on clinical data is felt to be greater than 30%).

Date Offsets:

All dates, like the visit date, are protected by presenting just the year; however, dates are also listed as offset days from the base date. The offset dates are used as a means of protecting patient information provided by the local sites in the original data, while allowing users to determine intervals between events. The standard DICOM date tags (i.e. birth dates, imaging study dates, etc.) have been de-identified so that all patients have a baseline study date of January 1, 1960.  This falsified date represents the day patients were entered into trial database. The number of days between a subject’s longitudinal imaging studies are accurately preserved.  A patient with a study performed on January 4, 1960 means the images were collected 3 days after the base date.  For convenience, this calculation has been performed for all scans with the results inserted in DICOM tag (0012,0050) Clinical Trial Time Point ID.  This means an imaging study that took place on January 4, 1960 would contain a value of "3" in tag (0012,0050). 

Overview of Clinical Data:

Case numbers from the clinical data files correlate directly with the case numbers from the image archive for each ACRIN clinical trial.

The basic data flow for legacy ACRIN multi-center clinical trials was that all clinical information provided by the local imaging sites were contained in a series of forms.  The form data submitted by local investigators to ACRIN during and after the trial, were manually encoded into the ACRIN CTMS (Clinical Trial Management System), and were cross-checked for accuracy by ECOG-ACRIN personnel. These forms, filled out by the local sites, deliver information on imaging, clinical management of the patient and pathology/outcome variables, like dates of progression and survival, along with other critical information.  The image data was initially anonymized while uploading from the local sites through TRIAD software and archived in a DICOM database at ACRIN.

After the trial accrual had ended, the clinical data was sent to the Brown statistical center, that is funded by NCI to provide support for ECOG-ACRIN clinical trials, specifically for analysis of the primary and sometimes secondary aims of the trial. The statisticians at Brown strip all the actual dates, names and other PHI from the CTMS data and create a .csv file for each form that has selected information useful for analysis of the trial data.  A Form Description file detailing all the forms used in the study accompanies the .csv data files.  Additionally, the accompanying Data Dictionary file lists each element for each form that has been selected for data retention along with a description of each form element.

Extracting clinical (non-imaging) data example:

Beginning with the Form Description.csv file, select the form with the desired information needed, such as form


A0.csv the patient


Eligibility/Registration form. Next, using the Data Dictionary.csv file,


find the


form elements listed for A0 (eg.


, A0exx, where xx is the form element number). The


file lists the form number, variable name, its description or label, the type of data, and, when applicable, the option codes and corresponding text values (option code:description pairs like 1=’No’, 2=’Yes’; or 1=’Baseline’, 2=’Post treatment’) for each data element available from the form.


  In the example in Figure 2, the


A0 form element


31d (A0e31d) reports the days between the base date and the day of surgery for the patient.  In the corresponding




csv file column G lists the


(insert image)


days between the base date and surgery for each patient


Image Added

In this example of extracting clinical data, the first step is to 1) find the form from the form list,


2) Find the desired element and description in the Data Dictionary and finally 3) extract the values from the .csv data file.

ACRIN 685 has about 40 forms, each appears as a separate tab in the Excel Data Dictionary file. For trials, other than ACRIN 6685, the form element descriptions of the Data Dictionary are in one spreadsheet.

The procedure above is basically how the statisticians organized the selected data for export, but the structure of the data dictionaries and individual forms are different for each clinical trial.



titleCitations & Data Usage Policy

Citations & Data Usage Policy

This is a limited access data set and is only available to members of NCI's Quantitative Imaging Network (QIN) until XX/XX/XXXX. If you are a member of the QIN and would like to request access, please submit a CCP proposal to the QIN Coordinating Committee. Upon receiving access you may only use it for the purposes outlined in your proposal. You are not allowed to redistribute the data or use it for other purposes.  See TCIA's Data Usage Policies and Restrictions for additional details. Questions may be directed to

Please be sure to include the following citations in your work if you use this data set:

titleData Citation

Kinahan, P., Muzi, M., Bialecki, B., & Coombs, L. (2019) DOI goes here. 

titlePublication Citation

Lowe VJ, Duan F, Subramaniam RM, et al. Multicenter Trial of [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography Staging of Head and Neck Cancer and Negative Predictive Value and Surgical Impact in the N0 Neck: Results From ACRIN 6685. J Clin Oncol. 2019 Feb 15. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.18.01182.

titleTCIA Citation

Clark K, Vendt B, Smith K, Freymann J, Kirby J, Koppel P, Moore S, Phillips S, Maffitt D, Pringle M, Tarbox L, Prior F. The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA): Maintaining and Operating a Public Information Repository, Journal of Digital Imaging, Volume 26, Number 6, December, 2013, pp 1045-1057. DOI: 10.1007/s10278-013-9622-7

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Version 1 (Current): Updated 2020/mm/dd

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Images (DICOM, xx.x GB)

Image ModifiedImage Modified

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Clinical Data (XLS, zip)

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