This collection comprises a total of 28 3 Tesla T1-weighted, T2-weighted, Diffusion weighted and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced prostate MRI along with accompanying digitized histopathology (H&E stained) images of corresponding radical prostatectomy specimens. The MRI scans also have a mapping of extent of prostate cancer on them [10.1002/jmri.24975]. Each surgically excised prostate specimen was originally sectioned and quartered resulting in 4 slides for each section. Each of these individual slides was digitized at 20x magnification using an Aperio slide scanner resulting in a set of 4 .svs images. Each of the 4 .svs images were then digitally stitched together to constitute a pseudo-whole mount section (.tiff) using the program in [PMCID: PMC4023035]. Annotations of cancer presence on the pseudo-whole mount sections were made by an expert pathologist. Slice correspondences were established between the individual T2w MRI and stitched pseudo-whole mount sections by the program in [10.1016/j.compmedimag.2010.12.003] and checked for accuracy by an expert pathologist and radiologist. Deformable co-registration [PMC3078156] was employed to spatially co-registered the corresponding radiologic and histopathologic tissue sections to map disease extent onto the corresponding MRI scans. |