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  • Credence Cartridge Radiomics Phantom CT Scans with Controlled Scanning Approach (CC-Radiomics-Phantom-2)

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This collection consists of 251 CT scans of Credence Cartridge Radiomic (CCR) phantom. This texture phantom was developed to investigate the feature robustness in the emerging field of radiomics. This phantom dataset was acquired on 4-8 CT scanners using a set of imaging parameters (e.g., reconstruction Field of View, Slice thickness, reconstruction kernels, mAs, and Pitch). A controlled scanning approach was employed to assess the variability in radiomic features due to each imaging parameter. This dataset will be useful to radiomic research community to identify a subset of robust radiomic features and for establishing the ground truths for future clinical investigations.

This Phantom dataset can be used for Feature variability assessment due to CT imaging parameters. These phantom scans can be used to identify a subset of robust radiomic features for future clinical investigations. Using this dataset, the numerical values of radiomic features can be cross-validated by other research groups using their own feature extraction tools.


Nasopharyngeal carcinoma has a higher incidence in China, and it is more common in the southeast coast. MRI and PET-CT are indispensable imaging modalities that can more accurately assess the stage of tumor and guide the treatment planning and evaluation of normal tissue response. The Department of radiation oncology in our hospital has performed the treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer for many years. Has a wealth of clinical experience and a large number of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients. Inclusion criteria: 1. All patients are pathologically confirmed nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 2. KPS score is larger than 60 and no other serious cardiovascular disease that could affect the course of treatment. Exclusion criteria: The expected survival time is less than 1 month, and the general condition is poor and radiotherapy cannot be completed. Take a CT, MRI and upload the data in imaging archive at the time before radiotherapy, during 15-20 fraction, 1 month after radiotherapy, 3 months after radiotherapy, 6 months after radiotherapy, 9 months after radiotherapy, 1 year after radiotherapy.

Nasopharyngeal carcinoma has a higher incidence rate in Taizhou city. Taizhou Hospital is the largest general hospital in the local region. It has the largest nasopharyngeal carcinoma resources and can represent the highest level of nasopharyngeal diagnosis and treatment in Taizhou. By analyzing our imaging data, we try to to investigate predictive and prognostic radiomic parameters of treatment and survival outcomes for IMRT treated NPC. Also we are going to correlate the difference in radiomic features between MRI and PET-CT scan in predicting treatment and survival outcomes.


 This dataset was submitted by Dr. Eduardo G. Moros and Dr. M Shafiq ul Hassan, USF. Special thanks to Moffitt Cancer Center where data were acquired.

Localtab Group

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titleCitations & Data Usage Policy

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titleData Citation

Jian Z, Meng Y, Yang H, Kong FS. Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Radiomics Study Database. 2018.

Shafiq ul Hassan M, Zhang G, Latifi K, Ullah G, Gillies R, Moros E. Credence Cartridge Radiomics Phantom CT Scans with Controlled Scanning Approach. 2018. (DOI:

titlePublication Citation

Muhammad Shafiq ul Hassan, Geoffrey Zhang, Kujtim Latifi, Ghanim Ullah, Robert Gillies, Eduardo G. Moros. Computed Tomography Texture Phantom Dataset for Evaluating the Impact of CT Imaging Parameters on Radiomic Features. (link to paper)

titleTCIA Citation

Clark K, Vendt B, Smith K, Freymann J, Kirby J, Koppel P, Moore S, Phillips S, Maffitt D, Pringle M, Tarbox L, Prior F. The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA): Maintaining and Operating a Public Information Repository, Journal of Digital Imaging, Volume 26, Number 6, December, 2013, pp 1045-1057. (paper). DOI: 10.1007/s10278-013-9622-7

Other Publications Using This Data

TCIA maintains a list of publications which leverage our data. At this time we are not aware of any manuscripts based on this data. If you have a manuscript you'd like to add please contact the TCIA Helpdesk.

  1. Shafiq ul Hassan M, Latifi K, Zhang G, Ullah G, Gillies R and Moros E. (2018) Voxel size and gray level normalization of CT radiomic features in lung cancer patients. Scientific Reports.

  2. Shafiq ul Hassan M, Zhang G, Hunt D, Latifi K, Ullah G, Gillies R and Moros E, ‘Accounting for reconstruction kernel-induced variability in CT radiomic features using noise power spectra’, J. Med. Imag. 5(1), 011013 (2017). DOI: 10.1117/1.JMI.5.1.011013

  3. Shafiq ul Hassan M, Zhang G, Latifi K, Ullah G, Hunt D, Balagurunathan Y, Abdullah M, Schabath M, Goldgof D, Mackin D, Court L, Gillies R and Moros E. (2017) Intrinsic dependencies of CT radiomic features on voxel size and number of gray levels. Med. Phys. 44(3), p-1050-1062 .

  4. Paul R, Shafiq ul Hassan M, Moros E, Gillies R, Hall L, Goldgof D. (2018) Stability of deep features across CT scanners and Field Of View (FOV) using a physical phantom. Proc SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, February 2018, Texas, USA


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